《古希腊神话》读后感如何写?( 四 )

国王交给赫拉克勒斯一项任务 , 是把九头蛇许德拉杀死 。
赫拉克勒斯坐着马车 , 赶到沼泽地 。许德拉正在休息 。赫拉克勒斯一连射出几箭 , 终于把九头蛇引出了洞 。赫拉克勒斯举起木棒想把她打死 , 可是打碎了一个 , 又长出来一个 , 照这样下去 , 是永远没有尽头的 。赫拉克勒斯把伊俄拉俄斯叫过来帮忙 。伊俄拉俄斯执着火把 , 把附近的树林点燃 , 烧刚长出来的蛇头 。赫拉克勒斯乘机把那颗头砍了下来 。人们得救了 , 没有人再来糟蹋粮食 , 庄稼 。
我非常敬佩赫拉克勒斯 , 因为他有不畏强权 , 为人民造福 , 不惜牺牲一切的伟大精神 。
我非常喜欢《希腊神话》 , 看书的你喜欢吗?


外国语学院 11级 外语一班
杨晓勤 201116010126
The Golden Touch
midas , son of the great godde of ida , by a hero whosename is not remembered  , was a pleasureloving king of macedonian bromium , where he ruled over the brigians and planted his famous rose gardens.
one day , the old hero silenus , dionysus\\\\\\'\\\\\\' former teacher , happened to straggle from the main body of the dionysian army as it marched out of thrace into boeotia , and was found sleeping and drunken in the rose
gardens.the gardeners tied him and ledhim before midas , to whom he told wonderful tales of a big continent lying beyond the ocean\\\\\\'\\\\\\'s stream ——altogether
separatefrom the united ma of europe , asia , or africa——where gigantic , happy , and longlived people lived in splendid cities , enjoying a wonderful law system.midas , delighted with silenus\\\\\\'\\\\\\' fictions , entertained him for five days and nights , and then ordered a guide to lead him to dionysus\\\\\\'\\\\\\'
dionysus , who had been worrying about silenus , sent toask how midas wished to be rewarded.he replied without hesitation:‘please turn all i touch into gold.\\\\\\'\\\\\\' however , not onlystones , flowers , and the furnishings of his house turned to gold but , when he sat down to table , so did the food he ate and the water he drank .midas soon begged to be freed from his wish , because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst.highlyamused  , dionysus told him to visit the source of the river
pactolus and there wash himself.he obeyed , and was at oncefreed from the golden touch , but the sands of the river pactolusare bright with gold to this day.