
在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式 。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编精心整理的'电灯对生活的影响作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友 。
生活中有许多重要且伟大的发明,想想看,如果在夏天,却没有冷气,全身湿湿黏黏的,多么不舒服啊!在夜晚没有电灯,不止会使人害怕,且一片漆黑,非常容易发生意外 。如果没有时钟,我们就会没有时间观念,上班和上学迟到了,都还不知道呢!
我认为生活中最伟大、最重要的发明就是电灯,因为他不只带给我们光明与温暖,有时候也会教导我和启发我做人的道理 。在电灯被发明出来之前,人们都是使用油灯及蜡烛,非常的危险 。有时一不小心撞倒了油灯或蜡烛,就会把房子给烧了 。说不定,还会波及到左邻右舍,造成严重的伤亡,而且还会失去非常多的财产,非常可怕 。
现在让我们来认识这位发明王爱迪生 。它制成了世界第一颗灯泡—钨丝灯泡,爱迪生试了超过一千种制作灯丝的材料,可是却一直失败 。失败乃成功之母,爱迪生没有因为一次的失败就放弃了发明灯泡的理想,反而愈挫愈勇,成功的发明出了灯泡 。
灯泡,是我认为生活中,最伟大而且最重要的发明,因为有爱迪生和他的发明团队,才能够使我们现在在晚上也能够非常明亮 。


The internet makes great improvement on our social life The internet is getting more and more inseparable to our social life.The network is applied anywhere every day.Fromtransnational mails to our daily communications,even the huge transfers to our daily payments.It seems that our daily life will get to be troublesome and tastele without internet.In a word, the internet has made great improvement on our daily work, learning and lifestyle.Our efficiency has been greatly improved since the network has been applied in work.The network conference has made it easy to chat with all members for leaders even if they live in different countries, instead of flying around like a fly.Every day, online advertising appears around us, it not only reduces the cost for the propaganda of their production, but also makes the diemination more quickly.In addition, nearly all of the information we need can be searched through the internet, which will save a lot of time.There is no doubt that our efficiency has been improved greatly since the internet was applied into our daily work.Study online makes the acquirement of knowledge more convenient.Children can just stay at home to learn their courses anytime and anywhere, and search on internet for those confusing questions.For those who like foreign languages,learning a language alone is no longer a problem since they can buysome online courses and learn it in the form of watching videos.In a word,it has made the saying that “without going outdoors, a scholar knows all the world’s affairs” becomes a reality.