act是什么意思_act翻译英文怎么读( 三 )

+act act1 . 幕幕
annual fall in September , light silk of one act act can be performed wave here , skirt places the fashionable scroll that fly upwards .每年的金秋九月,这里都会上演一幕幕轻丝舞动、裙摆飞扬的时尚画卷 。
+hostile act acts1 . 怀有敌意的行为
the North sentenced them to 12 years of labor for illegally entering the country and committing what Pyongyang as " grave , hostile act acts " against the country .她们因为非法入境和进行平壤所谓的“严重的,怀有敌意的行为”而被朝鲜判处12年的劳役 。
1.Bring them in here and do a dog and pony act.
把他们领进来开开眼界见见大世面 。
2.Wally was there with his dog and pony show about water safety.
韦利曾在那里作过关于水上保险的演讲 。