辣妈辣妹观后感如何写?( 四 )

6.How do the conflicts emerge and accumulate?
When children are small, they don\\'t have their own opinion, it\\'s always rely on their parents, this time is not after the war.But when the child grew, and puberty, the children begin to have their own ideas, they don\\'t agree with their parents, to expre their own opinions, reflect their position, they have their own friends, their careers, these are not the parents can understand.So, contradictions appear, more and more different opinions, the war broke out.The causes of conflict is the parents and children don\\'t communicate.Everybody has own life, also will do this not because we are stubborn, but you don\\'t know the truth.
The mother and daughter like real life for most of the children of the family\\'s relationship with parents.Parents give children want everything, but do not understand, so in their own way to give them.But the children don\\'t understand, since gave everything, why is limited, so we hold their own attitude to get along with.
Words and Expreions:
freaky:疯狂,古怪,奇特 mad, strange, odd
meet the day: 起床get up
I have had it: 再无法容忍I can’t bear it any more.
maid of honor: 伴娘bridesmaid
harlot: 妓女prostitute, hooker
preposterous: 混乱confusing, at me
blatant(ei): 直白,露骨blunt, plain & clear
totalitarianism: 集权主义absolute dictatorship
rigid: 严厉severe, strict,
ego(e)-tripping: 实现自我野心seeking personal succe
detention: 悔过室a room in which you think about your errors cellphone:移动电话 mobile phone
cute:可爱 lovely
halibut 比目鱼
telecaster 电吉他
stuck 从事
come check 过来看
grounded 杀了我
hold still 别动
thong 丁字裤(皮带)
bummer 讨厌
audition 试演
weird 怪人
huggy-buggy 抱抱亲亲
screwed 没戏唱了
shut up 不会吧
dispense 不要
speck 一点儿
cookie 饼干
out to get me 故意整我
groveling 讨好
hatchet 斧头
surline 耍脾气
stay out of them 勿管闲事
make this cut 得到名额
walrus 海象
do too 你是的
shrinking 分析
bracing 使牢固
couldn\\'t last one day 一天也不行 cut sb.slack 答应
florist 花店
clone freak 克隆疯子
dry cleaning 干洗衣物
crypt-keeper 母夜叉
lockdown 关进
psych ward 精神病房
thorazine drip 镇静药
jolt 撞
punk 臭小子(小流氓)
grip 控制
chill 凉快一下
mumbling 含糊说
suspension 怀疑
fun sucker 无聊之人
wack 疯子
switch 换回
pierced your navel 穿肚脐环
rats 乱头发
stripper 脱衣舞者
drab up 穿单调些
grunge down 穿炫耀些
flagrant 忽略(恶名昭彰)
platinum 白金卡
presentable 讨人喜欢