
我爱嵊州,更爱嵊州的茶叶 。
一片片茶叶似一个个可爱的精灵,翠绿欲流,尖尖的叶尖,香香的味道 。
走在茶厂的路上,清风吹在脸上,其中夹杂着茶叶的味道,随风望去,展现在眼前的,是一大片翠色欲流的茶田,茶农们正在争分夺秒地采茶 。放眼望去,令人心情大好 。看哪,嫩嫩的芽儿伸了懒腰,掉进了茶农的箩筐,当它正急着大哭时,看到自己最好的伙伴也在筐里,它破涕为笑,在被制成干茶叶,被人泡开时,它说:“我很荣幸,能成为您钟爱的茶;我很庆幸,我是一片茶叶!”
嵊州的茶叶,味道可香啦!你任意挑选一种,泡开,便能看见一片片茶叶随着冲下的热水飞舞着,慢慢地散开,散开,从云雾缭绕中,扑鼻而来的是一股茶的芳香,等热气散开后,呈现在你眼前的,就是一杯幽香弥漫的茶了 。
走在充满文化气息的古道上,撑着红色的雨伞,挡住细细的小雨,小抿一口嵊州茶叶泡的茶,会顿时觉得神清气爽,让人忍不住再喝一口,清爽赛过活神仙!直到喝完了这一杯茶,浑身上下透露着一股茶的清香,顿时觉得舒畅极了,这便是嵊州茶叶的.神奇之处 。
古往今来,有许多名人雅客来嵊州品尝茶 。唐代的时候,茶圣陆羽曾经来到嵊州考察茶叶生产,他的好友皎然对嵊州茶叶赞不绝口,啧啧称奇 。
中国茶叶之乡的名号是怎么得来的呢?近几年来,嵊州茶叶产量稳居全国第一,1996年3月,嵊州市被命名为“中国茶叶之乡” 。
本世纪二、三十年代,嵊州曾有茶园十万亩,年产量曾达8万担 。日寇侵占后,嵊州茶叶一落千丈,茶园荒凉,面积降至3万亩,产量跌至17800担,这是无法比较的!不过,现在我们的茶叶已是一天比一天红火,一天比一天好喝 。


I Love composition
It was the first year I went to the Female Normal University ,the Chinese teacher told us ,\\'\\'you are undergraduate students now, you can draft the title yourself,you should hand in at least seven or eight articles,the more the better ,however,there is a requirement that is every piece is good article and you can\\'t slight over.\\'\\'
"Teacher ,how could I do if i am incapable to do it ?"a clamate whose name is unknown to others asked suddenly.
"How could pa into the university if you don\\'t have ability to write it ?your article should have been written through long since middle school days,you come to the university ,i just want you to do the further research.To write a good article depends on your own strive ,I am helplene."
"Teacher is too polite",it is another clamate\\'s low voice."Teacher,is our article written in cla or after cla?",this fool question was asked me,a country girl,I didn\\'t feel embarraed when some student looked at me and think their laugh is redundant.