
英语单词ADBabbr.Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行
双语例句1 . The ADB said it remains a shareholder and treats allegations of fraud'extremely seriously.ADB则说,它仍是股东方,将以极其严肃的态度对待有关该公司的欺诈指控.
2 . The core of DM 3 - ADB rule execution module is to construct a virtual machine.DM3 -ADB规则执行模块的核心是构造一个虚拟机.
3 . DM 3 - ADB is composed of active rule management module and active rule execution module.DM3 -ADB由主动规则的管理模块和主动规则的执行模块组成.
4 . In 2001, he chaired the Working Group that prepared for a reorganization of ADB operations.2001年, 他曾领导为重组ADB运营而组建的工作组.
5 . Cambodia and other still - poor countries angrily rejected the report's suggestion that the ADB abandon poverty relief.对于报告中提出的ADB应放弃减贫计划,柬埔寨及其他仍旧比较贫穷的国家表示强烈反对.
网络释义-ADB 1 . 亚洲开发银行
2 . 预付运费
单证英语辅导 :贸易术语英文缩写1 ... A/D 出票后 ADB亚洲开发银行 AFA 自动外汇分配轨制.
3 . 亚行
...但后来被日本政府视作地区合作机制的选项之一 。该组织得到了来自亚行(ADB)和日本政府的资助 。亚太经合组织(APEC)成立的学术论证正是在这个组织的框架内做出的.
相关词条+ADB loan1 . 亚行贷款
utilization and management of imprest account of ADB loan in water resources projects浅析亚行贷款周转金账户在水利项目中的使用管理
+Apple ADB1 . 键盘口
...库德巴码,交叉25码,25码,矩阵25码,93码,11码,中国邮政码,RSS码接口方式, 所有流行PC或终端的键盘口,Apple ADB,USB,TTL RS-232,光笔仿真,无译码输出激光仿真等等参考资.
+ADB President1 . 银行主席
he made remarks during a meeting with ADB President Donald Kaberuka in Shanghai , where the bank group is holding its annual Board of Governors meetings on Wednesday and Thursday .他在与非洲发展银行主席唐纳德.卡贝鲁卡会谈时做出了以上承诺,该银行正于周三周四两天在上海举行其管理者年会 。
+ADB says1 . 亚行说
and even though prices of staples such as rice have fallen to more sustainable levels in recent months , the ADB says the problem is far from over as demand grows and supplies remain tight .虽然主要粮食价格如大米价格最近几个月已经下降到一个可以维持的水平,但是亚行说,问题还远远没有的到解决,因为需求还在增加,供给仍然紧