
in this spring warms bloom,qunfang "s day,you two are good,together forever is born of a couple,born a pair of! wish you both boon conjugal love,grow old together!
2、良缘喜结成新婚,佳偶天成定三生 。洞房花烛浴爱河,春宵一刻胜千金 。愿幸福、甜蜜、激情、温馨伴你们一世一生!
formed a new alliance xi,darling tiancheng stroke 。wedding in love and having a daughter 。may happiness and sweetness,passion,warmth,you i of life!
3、执子之手的感动,也子偕老的温情 。祝福你们的爱,是开满玫瑰的五月花园 。只愿幸福快乐的从此一生相伴!结婚快乐 。
moved by hand,and son xielao warmth 。wish you love,is full of rose garden in may 。only by the happiness of life from now on! happy marriage 。
marriage is established by god,a good marriage is god giveth grace; may our god will blessings of heaven,blessings of the deep,have given to you and your family!
5、恭喜你!告别单身了,也表示你找到真爱了,身为你的朋友,也真的为你感到高兴,祝你新婚快乐,甜甜密密,幸福美满 。
congratulations to you! say goodbye to the single,also said you find true love,as your friend,also really happy for you,i wish you a happy wedding,sweet tightly,happiness 。
6、步入婚姻的殿堂,从此你的人生芬芳,请把快乐深藏,把幸福包装,忘掉烦恼忧伤,把握生活地久天长,祝你婚姻快乐,早生贵子 。
enters marital the palace,from now on you life happiness,happy deep,please wrap happiness,mellow sorrow,grasp the life forever,i wish you a happy marriage,early birth 。
7、在这个特殊的日子里祝你们婚姻美满,祝你们的爱犒甜甜蜜蜜,圆圆满满,幸幸福福,心心相印,永结同心,相亲相爱,百年好合 。
on this special day i wish you a happy marriage,i wish you love this chamber sweet,festive,her love of happiness,mutual affinity,knot,love each other,good luck in one hundred 。
8、红红的.殿堂,红红的“喜喜”字,铺天盖地,今天是你的大喜日子,我代表所有曾经得到过你帮助的朋友们,在此祝福你,好人一生平安,幸福快乐到永远 。
red,red xi xi word,blanket,it"s your big day today,i represent all of the people who ever get your help,in this blessing you,the good life of peace and happiness forever 。
9、带上诚挚的祝福,送上新婚的祈愿 。亲爱的,就算你的爱飘零不见,我也会守护我们的从前,让记忆在心中开花结果,记住你的美,记住你的好 。