城市的美四年级作文格式怎么样?( 六 )

清明节是农历二十四节气之一 , 在仲春与暮春之交 , 也就是冬至后的106天 。中国汉族传统的清明节大约始于周代 , 距今已有二千五百多年的历史 。《历书》:“春分后十五日 , 斗指丁 , 为清明 , 时万物皆洁齐而清明 , 盖时当气清景明 , 万物皆显 , 因此得名 。”清明一到 , 气温升高 , 正是春耕春种的大好时节 , 故有“清明前后 , 种瓜点豆”之说 。清明节是一个祭祀祖先的节日 , 传统活动为扫墓 。2006年5月20日 , 该民俗节日经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录 。
The Chinese Moon Festival
The Chinese Moon Festival is on the 15th of the 8th lunar month.It\\'s also known as the Mid-autumn Festival.Chinese culture is deeply imbedded in traditional festivals.Just like Christmas and Thanksgiving in the West, the Moon Festival is one of the most important traditional events for the Chinese.
The Moon Festival is full of legendary stories.Legend says that Chang Er flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since.You might see her dancing on the moon during the Moon Festival.The Moon Festival is also an occasion for family reunions.When the full moon rises, families get together to watch the full moon, eat moon cakes, and sing moon poems.With the full moon, the legend, the family and the poems, you can\\'t help thinking that this is really a perfect world.That is why the Chinese are so fond of the Moon Festival.
【城市的美四年级作文格式怎么样?】The Moon Festival is also a romantic one.A perfect night for the festival is if it is a quiet night without a silk of cloud and with a little mild breeze from the sea.Lovers spend such a romatic night together tasting the delicious moon cake with some wine while watching the full moon.Even for a couple who can\\'t be together, they can still enjoy the night by watching the moon at the same time so it seems that they are together at that hour.A great number of poetry has been devoted to this romantic festival.Hope the Moon Festival will bring you happine.