
英语单词adjudgement 美[ə'dʒʌdʒmənt]n.宣告,审判
双语例句1 . One adjudgement has a lot of breakthroughs definitely.一审判决有很多突破.
2 . Among them, adjudgement, procuratorial work assists hillock 491 post of procuratorate judicatory police 9.其中, 审判 、 检察辅助岗491名,检察院司法警察岗9名.
3 . Finally, she deserved the severely adjudgement . She killed herself in prison, on 14 th, May, 1991.最终受到了历史严厉的审判, 于一九九一年五月十四日在狱中自杀.
网络释义-adjudgement 1 . 宣判
希高翻译-政治相关词汇中英对照三 ... adjudge a firm as bankrupt by the court 法庭裁定某企业破产 Adjudgement 宣判,裁决 Adjudication of bankruptcy 宣告破产.
2 . 宣告
adjudge 宣判adjudgement宣告adjudgment 依法判处
3 . 审判管辖
管辖什么意思_有道词典 ... 审判管辖 adjudgement; trial jurisdiction 变通管辖 jurisdiction by accord 地区管辖 territorial jurisdiction.
4 . 裁决
adjoint 伴随adjudgement裁决adjugate =adjoint
相关词条+adjudged bankrupt【adjudgement是什么意思_adjudgement翻译英文怎么读】1 . 被裁定破产
...Additional Tax Demand Note 缴纳补加税罚款通知书;缴纳补加税款通知书adjudged bankrupt 被裁定破产adjudicated bankrupt 裁定破产人
+court adjudges1 . 法院宣判
Now , korea court adjudges him innocent ., 现在 , 韩国法院宣判他无罪.
+moral adjudgement1 . 道德审判
come from moral adjudgement of the netizen and fling abuses , often give when the thing person cause tremendous psychological effect .来自网民的道德审判及谩骂,往往给当事者造成巨大的心理影响 。
+adjudges him1 . 宣判他
Now , korea court adjudges him innocent ., 现在 , 韩国法院宣判他无罪.