
英语单词adjuration 英[ˌædʒʊə'reɪʃən]美[ˌædʒʊ'reɪʃən]n.祈求,命令
双语例句同反义词1 . With this hurried adjuration, he cocked his blunderbuss, and stood on the offensive.他仓促地叫了一声, 便扳开几支大口径短抢的机头, 作好防守准备.
来自英汉文学 - 双城记
2 . Her last adjuration to daughter was to escape from dinginess if she could.她对女儿最后的叮嘱是要竭尽全力摆脱这种困难.
3 . It was plain enough that Mr. Jarndyce had not been neglectful of the adjuration .很清楚,贾迪斯先生没有忽视这样一个恳求.
4 . Adjuration prohibits the false conduct propaganda of afore - mentioned products.严令禁止上述产品的虚假宣传.
5 . Whoever is partner with a thief hates his own soul; He hears the adjuration utters nothing.与盗贼均分的,是恨恶自己的性命; 他听见叫人发誓作证的声音,却不言语.
同义词entreatyinvitation 网络释义-adjuration 1 . 恳请
adjunctive 附属的adjuration恳请adjuratory 誓言的
2 . 宣誓
3 . 请愿
adjunct n. 附件, 助手;adj. 附属的adjurationn. 恳请, 请愿adjutant n.(军队的)副官,助手*(*记)请和adjust(调整)一起*记.
相关词条+she adjured1 . 她恳求
she adjured him to tell the truth .她恳求他说实话 。
+adjured him1 . 恳求他
She adjured him to tell the truth ., 她恳求他说实话.
+I adjure1 . 我恳请
I adjure you to tell the truth ., 我恳请你讲实话.
+adjure you1 . 恳请你
i adjure you to speak the truth ., 我恳请你说实话.
2 . 恳求你
【adjuration是什么意思_adjuration翻译英文怎么读】I adjure you to spare him ., 我恳求你饶恕他.