台湾著名女作家------陈平( 四 )

In 1984, for reasons of health, teaching speech disposal, and to writing, speech center of gravity for a living.
After 1989, the first time back to the mainland in April home and found his own works in the mainland also has a lot of readers. And honored to visit comic "三毛流浪记" well-known of Mr. Zhang Leping, a long-cherished wish is.
In 1990 to engage in script writing, the completion of the first Chinese script, as well as her last work "Red Dust."
January 4, 1991 early morning, has died at 48 years old.
San Mao appreciate: "truancy for reading" "From a long-distance race lonely" "Weeping Camel" "background" "Scarecrow Notes" "give you a horse"
Taiwan writer Sanmao years have passed away, but she has the exact cause of death remains a mystery. In recent days, one called "San Mao died murder" books have appeared in various bookstores in Shanghai. However, one of San Mao's a lot of things were questioned, people can not help but wonder Sanmao help his own well-known motive.
Sanmao lifetime "stray" off 54 countries. January 2, 1991, she died of endometrial hypertrophy, Taiwan was admitted to Veterans General Hospital, surgery on the 3rd to complete the operation. On the 4th morning, the hospital cleaning worker to enter the 7th floor single Principal obstetrics wards, when cleaning the bathroom, bit by bit to see water closet next to the hook on the plane, hanging Sanmao nylon stockings were hanging body. She dressed in white pajamas safflower, there was no suicide note at the scene.
Sanmao forensic inferred time of death is 2:00. The next day, all of Taiwan's newspapers have reported that San Mao's death, more than 80 newspapers in Hong Kong also made a detailed report. However, less than half a year later, there are various sectors on the cause of death Sanmao questioned at the scene that the police investigation was too hasty, "due to world-weary自缢身亡" too arbitrary conclusions, will have real murderer escape net.
Sanmao reverence love. In 1973, San Jose with the Spanish men in sub-married Jose in 1979, when diving in North Africa were killed and a very tough battle on Sanmao crying, then living in on the thoughts of Jose.
Sanmao love for the motherland. She was one of "the two sides can no longer be separated." In 1985, she participated in thousands of people in a speech at the meeting to sing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China "Volunteer march." She is the first in Taiwan, the "march of the Volunteers" by the people to sing in public. Sing a quiet background, many people worried for her.
Sanmao on the mainland cultural celebrities Zhang Leping, Yao Xueyin, Pingwa, such as Wang Luobin have unusual friendship. In 1989, Shanghai Sanmao painter Zhang Leping with each other, identified the artist as a "father." Shanghai dialect she told the painter: "I am more than 3-year-old left Shanghai, I was just sensible to see the first book is"三毛流浪记"roaming that will never grow up boy for me the impact could be larger. Many years later, when I was in a foreign country to write the first book, I spent on writing under the pen name 'San Mao' the name. "
Sanmao wrote an "olive": "Do not ask me to come from, my hometown in the distance, why stray, wandering far away ... ..." This song singing banned in Taiwan for more than ten years, as the authorities think that the lyrics the "distance" refers to mainland China. In December 1990, Sanmao scriptwriter of the film "Red Dust" to participate in Taiwan's Golden Horse competition, winning eight awards, but no Sanmao the best original screenplay award. "Red Dust" aroused the anger of those in power in Taiwan certain: the "deliberate sing the praises of the Chinese Communists, and indiscriminate attacks on government, to demonize the military ... ..." Some people think that Sanmao there may become a political victim.
Sanmao book to the cause of death of the various speculation, such as the terminally hopeless that alone said that in order to trap situation that can not afford to say that the complex and suicide are all rejected. The book also cited the 10 well-known talk on Sanmao that strange Sanmao die suddenly, she no reason to doctrine. San Mao's death to suicide is interpreted as unfair to her, and even an insult to her personality.
古代自强不息的名人故事范仲淹勤奋读书 幼时家贫,没有饭吃,喝只能粥,冬天煮好粥,让它结冰,再用刀切成一小块一小块,每天只能吃一块,他朋友知道后,给他送来吃的,他就随食物腐坏,也不碰,他跟朋友说不能让自己学会享受,最后终于有所作为,
宋濂幼时家贫但是好学 向地主家借书抄写,冬天冻得手指不能弯曲,也义无反顾,最终成为明朝文章三大家之首