
英语单词admirable 英[ˈædmərəbl]美[ˈædmərəbəl]adj.令人钦佩的;极好的,绝妙的;值得赞扬的;可贵
双语例句同反义词 更多资料1 . He was an admirable chairman.他是一位令人钦佩的主席 。
2 . Beyton is an admirable character.贝顿是个令人钦佩的人物 。
3 . The film tells its story with admirable economy.这部电影叙事简练,令人叹服 。
4 . Her dedication to her work was admirable .她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩 。
5 . She had acted in ways that he found wholly admirable .他对她的行事方式佩服得五体投地.
同义词 adj. 1.可赞赏的;出色的”释义下的同义词deservingverycommendablepraiseworthypraiseexcellentgood语源 late Middle English : via Old French from Latin admirabilisto be wondered at, from admirari(see admire)英英释义 网络释义 noun1.deserving of the highest esteem or admiration;
an estimable young professor
2.inspiring admiration or approval;
among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness
-admirable 1 . 令人倾佩的
Administrivia 信件admirable令人倾佩的admirably 极好地
2 . 值得称赞的
admire 称赞admirable值得称赞的adore 敬爱、崇拜
3 . 令人钦佩的
administrative a. 行政的admirablea. 令人钦佩的admira
4 . 令人敬佩
求翻译:我是个聪明的女孩是什么意思 ... 从我来这所学校工作到现在已经有15年了 I come from the work of the school has now been 15 years 令人敬佩 Admirable 一直在为自己的梦想而努力 has been in the efforts for their own dreams.
相关词条+admiral1 . 无畏上将高尔察克
无畏上将高尔察克(Admiral) - 高清下载 | 在线观看 | 电影预告片.
2 . 海军上将
admiral of the red 醉汉admiral 海军上将admiral's mate 贪心不足的人
+admire1 . 仰慕
又如:慕义(向往正义);慕向(思慕向往);慕企(企慕,仰慕);慕位(思慕权位);慕尚(向往推崇);慕思(向往;仰慕思念) 仰慕;羡慕 [admire] 诱慕于名位 。——《.
2 . 钦佩
+admired --1 . 受人羡慕
【admirable是什么意思_admirable翻译英文怎么读】other eligible -- and admired -- professions were education , at 14 percentand and technology , at percent .另外既合适又受人羡慕的行业是教育,占到14%,科技工作占到10% 。