
英语单词adulator 英['ædʒʊleɪt]美['ædʒəˌleɪtə]n.好奉承的人
网络释义-adulator 1 . 好奉承的人
adulation 奉承adulator好奉承的人adulatory 奉承的
相关词条+this adulation【adulator是什么意思_adulator翻译英文怎么读】1 . 这种赞美
how do you fell about all this adulation and hero worship , 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的
+adulation and1 . 赞美和
how do you fell about all this adulation and hero worship , 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的
+international adulation1 . 国际名望
the international adulation now made her a forceful campaigner , too : for AIDS , and against violence and injustice all over Africa .如今,国际名望使也她成为一位具有影响力的活动家,她积极参与预防艾滋病、在全非洲反暴力及争取公正权利等活动 。
+critical adulation1 . 批评家的赞美
however , it was not critical adulation , but the incredible word ofmouth that spread about the book that made it a bestseller .然而,不是批评家的赞美,而是难以置信的人口相传的传播,让这本书成为了一本畅销书 。