七年级语文中秋咏月诗三首课文全文( 四 )

天地万物的光芒都收敛了,浩浩荡荡的天地间只衬托出这美女似的月牙 。
清澈的天空还有鱼鳞云彩,美丽的景色让人心胸舒适心情欢快,趁着这样的兴致岂能没有赞美的诗篇 。
急急急!!!这三首李清照的诗的英文翻译...不要翻译机..谢谢(翻译高手来)Tune: “Sand of Silk-Washing Brook”
Longing in the Boudoir
A smile of happy recollection lights up her face
As she gently draws aside the curtain
Embroidered with blooming lotus,
And leans against the jeweled duck censer,
Her perfumed cheek on her hand, musing.
If she but rolls her eyes
She will immediately give herself away.
That first sweet meeting full of tenderest love!
She might as well send half a page
With endearing reproaches unburdening a pensive heart,
And have him come again
When the moon is moving the flower shadows.
悬赏分太少 我不码字了
Tune: “Magnolia Flowers” (A shorter version)
From the flower vendor I bought
A sprig of spring just bursting into bloom——
Sprinkled all over with teardrops
Still tinged with traces of
Roseate clouds and morning dew.
Lest my beloved should think
I’m not so fair as the flower,
I pin it slanting in my cloud hair,
And ask him to see
Which of us is the lovelier:
The flower or I.参考资料:www.sino-platonic.org/complete/spp013_li_qingzhao.pdf
王阳明咏中秋诗王阳明特喜姣月,常借月夜感怀来表达他对人生哲理的体认,认为只要心中有主,自然豪情满满,大清地明,外物难侵 。有《中秋》《月夜》诗为证:
去年中秋阴复晴,今年中秋阴复阴 。
百年好景不多遇,况乃白发相侵寻 。
吾心自有光明月,千古团圆永无缺 。
山河大地拥情辉,赏心何必中秋节 。”
四山云霭忽然生 。
依旧青天此月明 。
从他外物岂能撄 。


化作钧天满太清 。