
双语例句1 . He governed with an adroitness that gained him the nickname "the old fox".他因管理有方而为自己赢得了“老狐狸”的绰号 。
2 . He showed similar adroitness and persistence in strategic arm control.在战略武器方面,他显示出了同样的机敏和执著.
3 . He turned his large car with some adroitness and drove away.他熟练地把他那辆大车子调了个头,开走了.
4 . His adroitness and eloquence had always prevented his friends from forming any general policy against him.由于他的机敏和辨才朋友们无法勾结起来,同他作对.
5 . In my military history I've acknowledged his adroitness and his inspiring force as a politician.在我的戎马生涯里,我曾说过,作为一个政治家,他表现出机敏和鼓舞人心的力量.
网络释义-adroitness 1 . 熟练
English - Chinese Free Di... ... adroitly = 娴熟 adroitness= 熟练 ads = 广告.
2 . 熟练 灵巧
hilarity 欢闹adroitness熟练灵巧insecurity 不安全
3 . 机捷
点击:3725 回复:11 ... adroit adj.熟练的, 机捷的 adroitnessn.熟练, 机捷 anthropology n.人类学.
4 . 双灵活
Apes have adroitnesshands much like ours but unlike those of any other creature ., 猿有一双灵活的手 , 与我们的手很相似 , 而与其它任何生物不同.
相关词条+adroit replying1 . 凭借巧妙的回答
The bat adroit replying , twice saved herself from dying ., 凭借巧妙的回答, 这只蝙蝠两次死里逃生.
+doctor adroitness1 . 医生熟练
the reason is this kind of operation requirement doctor adroitness masters celiac mirror technique , and operation expenses is groovier the operation is expensive .原因是此种手术要求医生熟练掌握腹腔镜技术,而且手术费用较常规手术高 。
+adroit gestures1 . 熟练的手势
adroit gestures can add to the impact of a speech ;熟练的手势能够增加演讲的影响力;
+adroit way1 . 熟练的手法来
【adroitness是什么意思_adroitness翻译英文怎么读】You have an adroit way of inserting your comb , which flatters the skin ., 你有一种熟练的手法来运用你的梳子 , 使皮肤舒适.