
GRE考试 英语单词adulate 英['ædʒʊleɪt]美[ˈædʒəˌlet]vt.谄媚 , 奉承
双语例句同反义词 更多资料1 . What is there to adulate in her.她有什么值得吹捧的!
2 . They are fools who adulate every decision of their leaders.对领导的每个决定一味奉承的人是蠢材.
同义词flatter语源 mid 18th cent.: from Latin adulat-fawned on, from the verb adulari 网络释义-adulate 1 . 奉承
GRE红宝书筛选词汇1~20 ...adulate谄媚 , 奉承adumbrate 预示 , 预告
2 . 卑贱地奉承
谄-谄-chǎn-讠-中华文化网[b181... ... [flatter;fawn on;adulate] 卑贱地奉承,讨好别人 [fawn on those above and bully those below] 讨好上司,欺压下级 [ingratiating smile] 谄媚地装出笑容.
3 . 谄媚
GRE红宝书筛选词汇1~20 ...adulate谄媚 , 奉承adumbrate 预示 , 预告
4 . 指两肘
名字释义 — 韦举五 ... 〖Wutai〗山西省的县 。位于省东北部,为山区,中国佛教四大名山之一的五台山在其境内,主峰海拔3058米 。佛教以五台山为文殊菩萨道场 〖adulate;prostrateoneselfbeforesb.inadmiration〗指两肘、两膝和头顶着地,佛教最恭敬的礼节,比喻敬佩到了极点 〖thefiveflavor(sour,bitter,sweet,pungentandsalty)〗泛指各种味道(五味即甜、酸、苦、辣、咸).
相关词条+this adulation1 . 这种赞美
how do you fell about all this adulation and hero worship , 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的
+adulation and1 . 赞美和
how do you fell about all this adulation and hero worship , 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的
+international adulation1 . 国际名望
the international adulation now made her a forceful campaigner , too : for AIDS , and against violence and injustice all over Africa .如今 , 国际名望使也她成为一位具有影响力的活动家 , 她积极参与预防艾滋病、在全非洲反暴力及争取公正权利等活动 。
+critical adulation1 . 批评家的赞美
however , it was not critical adulation , but the incredible word ofmouth that spread about the book that made it a bestseller .然而 , 不是批评家的赞美 , 而是难以置信的人口相传的传播 , 让这本书成为了一本畅销书 。