蟹黄汤包六年级作文怎么写?( 二 )

communicate with others is degenerating.The Internet, which makes is common to be seen that people in the subway are immersed in playing mobile phones or tablets, has estranged people from their colleagues, friends, even families.Measures should be taken to deter the increasingly severe phenomenon.First and foremost, we have to realize that daily communication is irreplaceable.What’s more, we are supposed to communicate with others proactively to share our joy or sorrow.Last but not least, it is wise to create an environment to increase opportunities of face-to-face communication for the government.
To draw a conclusion, we cannot deny the convenience the Internet brings.
Neverthele, we should strike a balance between its pros and cons.Don’t forget the most basic communication with your intimate friends.


10月4日,我们全家去了江苏靖江,那里有许多特色美食,有粞子粥,香沙芋,猪肉脯,蟹黄汤包 。光包子就有很多种,如,肉包、菜包、三丁包、豆沙包、汤包等等 。最令我垂涎欲滴的是那蟹黄汤包 。它有丰富的历史,皮薄光洁,汤足如泉,浓而不腻,味厚鲜美,被誉为“靖江一绝” 。
这天,天公很作美,天空澄碧,纤云不染,远山含黛,和风送暖,时而还飘来阵阵秋香,让我们抑制不住远足的心情 。我们乘着自驾车,风一样地赶去了靖江 。
十一国庆是出游高峰,堵车是家常便饭,我们也无不例外,被堵到了下午两点才到 。肚子早已饥肠辘辘,饿得咕咕直叫 。一到酒店,坐上餐桌就看到了皮薄如纸,几乎接近透明的汤包 。此时,肚子已禁不住诱惑,我的手抓住一只汤包就咬 。当时,我还不知道,汤包,汤包,顾名思义就是它的汤贼多贼多的,我啥也没顾,就顾着肚子饿了,抓起就咬,结果我被汤水溅了一脸 。由于味道实在太美,我还是不甘心,又不愿意放下手中的汤包,便像小猫似的舔起了被溅在手上的汤包汁水 。餐桌上的叔叔阿姨们,看着我都笑了起来,我想也一定是我那“可爱”的爱吃劲儿吧!
当地的叔叔说:“小朋友,吃蟹黄汤包,可不是像你刚才那么吃的哦,它有决窍的,要轻轻提,慢慢移,先开窗,后吸汤 。”我按着叔叔讲的方法,又尝试了一遍,先拿起它的头,把它的身子提起来,然后移到盛了醋的碗,再用筷子开了一个小洞,最后再吸,果然,安全可靠,不错的吃法!这一吃,我可没完没了了,一吃竟然吃了三个汤包 ,还是妈妈叫的“刹车”呢!