小学生交通安全作文怎么写?( 三 )

我要告诉我们大家的是:生命是万分之一点短暂,而且企业只有通过一次 。所以,大家一定要进行加倍形成珍爱自己生命,更确切的说不热爱生命,就会害己害人害社会……百害而无一利 。不论你珍爱自然生命教育也好,不珍爱学生生命活动也罢,都应有则改之,无则加勉 。
俗话说:冰冻三尺,不是一天的寒冷,我想只要我们坚持,只要我们努力,我们总有一天会突然后悔 。
我坚信:摧毁“旧社会”将一去不复返,并且更新的“新社会”正在一个矫健的步伐年轻人向我们走来,在21世纪 。
Good morning, dear teacher and clamates.It is a great pleasure for me to give us a short speech.My topic is the relationship of population and the social development in China.
Does the population in China need to be controlled? It is a question that has been disputed by the economists for a long time.Once there is a saying goes,” Many hands make light work”.Human beings are indispensable to the development of the society, as they poes two layers of properties as both producers and consumers.However, due to the problem of overpopulation, China’s development had once reached a deadlock.To addre this problem, Chinese authority put forward the one-child policy.In spite of its implementation, the population control cannot be accomplished at one stroke.What’s worse, it also has the side-effects of aging and the imbalance of the population of two genders.Now we still face the severe challenge of overpopulation in the following aspects:
【小学生交通安全作文怎么写?】First, overpopulation causes the depletion of the natural resources.As the population grows, the level of various limited resources per capita will continue to go down and the demand for resources will rise significantly.At the same time, the running out of resources in the development of the economy will still be a long-term problem.
Second, overpopulation causes the degradation of environment.Chinese population is rising at an unprecedented rate, which is a severe threat to the healthy environment and sustainable development.Besides, the growing numbers of private cars has caused traffic jam and air pollution which greatly influence people’s living quality.
Third, overpopulation causes many social problems.Unfortunately, these
problems will exist for a long time, especially in the food supply, housing, education, employment, social security andthe construction of infrastructures.The tension between the supply and demand is difficult to improved substantially.It is a heavy burden for the government.To meet every citizen’s demand is impoible and China still has a long way to go in its modernization.
All of these problems caused by overpopulation are so deep-seated that the government needs to be aware of the importance of population on a strategic level.Currently, thecontrol population growth should be the key of sustainable development in our country.To achieve the coordinated development of population and society, the government should carry out relevant policies to control the quantity of population and improve the quality of the population, as well as shift of the crude economic development mode.Only by a healthy coordination of population, resources and society, can we achieve the great goal of revitalizing a prosperous harmonious China.