关于保护动物的诗句,是写捕猎动物的。( 八 )

·关爱野生动物 , 保护美好家园!
·保护野生动物 , 实现人与自然和谐共处!
·保护鸟类保护野生动物 维护生态平衡.
·保护野生动物 , 维护生态安全!
·同在地球上 , 共享大自然!
·同在蓝天下 人鸟共家园.
·鸟是害虫的天敌 鸟是人类的朋友.
·关注候鸟 保护环境.
·保护鸟类 保护野生动物 人人有责.
·爱护动物 , 珍惜生命
·维护生态平衡 , 保护动物
·保护野生动物 , 就是关爱人类自己
·保护动物 , 与自然和谐
·无数事实证明 , 人类与动物共存亡
·保护野生动物 , 不打鸟 , 捉 蛇 , 捉青蛙
·保护野生动物 , 人与自然共存
·提高环境意识 , 爱护花草树木 , 保护野生动物 , 维护公共设施 , 促进人与人、人与社会、人与自然的协调发展
·爱护动物光荣 , 虐待动物可耻
关于保护动物的资料扬子鳄俗称土龙 , 是中国惟一的鳄种 。仅产于长江下游一带 , 原来中国还有另外一种鳄即湾鳄 , 但早已灭绝 , 因此扬子鳄显得十分珍贵 , 已被列为一级保护动物 。扬子鳄体长2米左右 , 重3040公斤 , 背部为暗褐色带有黄色斑及条纹 , 腹部为灰白色 , 并有黄色小斑和横条 。尾部有灰黑相间的环纹 , 它的四肢粗短 , 在陆地上活动不是十分灵敏 , 水中游泳则十分敏捷 , 它的尾巴可作为攻击和自卫的武器 。扬子鳄是一种古老的爬行动物 , 经历了地质史上的冰川气候和造山运动等大变化而幸存下来 , 在地球上 活至少1亿年了 。由于它的体型、构造和古代恐龙接近 。因此被称为恐龙的活化石 。时代算起 , 已被认识有三千四五百年的历史 。在20世纪50年代扬子鳄的数量还相当多 , 因被人们大量捕杀 , 再加上人口增多 , 占领了扬子鳄适宜的生存环境 , 导致扬子鳄迅速减少 。目前扬子鳄数量已不足500只 , 只限于江苏、安徽的长江南岸 。为了保护扬子鳄 , 中国已把它列入国家一级保护动物名单 , 并在安徽建立了扬子鳄繁殖研究中心 , 旨在使这种古老的生物永远地在地球上生存下去 。The 扬 son crocodile is so called the soil dragon, is only one crocodile in China to grow.BE produce in only once downstream in Yangtze River take, originally Chinese there is also moreover a kind of crocodile namely the gulf crocodile, but destroy completely already, so the 扬 son crocodile seem to be very precious, having already been list as one class protection animal. The 扬 son crocodile body grows 2 meters or so, heavy 3040 kilograms, the back takes the yellow spot and grain for the dark brown, the belly is a grey color, also yellow and small spot with horizontal.The coda has the ash black and alternate wreath 纹  ,  its arms and legs is thick short, the activity isn't very intelligent on the land, the swimming in water then is very nimble, its tail be the weapon of the attack and selfdefense. The 扬 son crocodile is a kind of ancient reptile, experiencing the glacier weather of the geology history with build the mountain sport to wait big variety but luckily survive down, at on the earth live 100,000,000 years at least.Because its type of figure,structure and ancient dinosaur near to. Therefore be called dinosaur of activate a stone.The ages rises on the whole, having already been know 3,400.The quantity of the 扬 son crocodile in 50's in 20 centuries still very many, because of being caught to kill in great quantities by people, and the population increase, capturing the 扬 son crocodile feat existence environment, causing the 扬 son crocodile reduce quickly.The 扬 son crocodile quantity isn't enough 500 already currently, south shore in Yangtze River that is limited by Jiangsu,Anhui.For the sake of the protection 扬 son crocodile, China has already been included in it national a class protection the animal list, and built up the 扬 son crocodile to breed the research center in Anhui, the aim was make this kind of ancient living creature forever Be existing on the earth under.
古诗词大全关于动物 1、《孤雁》唐·杜甫孤雁不饮啄 , 飞鸣声念群 。谁怜一片影 , 相失万重云 。2、《卖骆马》唐·白居易五年花下醉骑行 , 临卖回头嘶一声 。项籍顾骓犹解叹 , 乐天别骆岂无情 。3、《归马华山》唐·白行简牧野功成后 , 周王战马闲 。驱驰休伏皂 , 饮龁任依山 。逐日朝仍去 , 随风暮自还 。冰生疑陇坂 , 叶落似榆关 。躞蹀仙峰下 , 腾骧渭水湾 。幸逢时偃武 , 不复鼓鼙间 。4、《越鸟》唐·郑谷背霜南雁不到处 , 倚棹北人初听时 。梅雨满江春草歇 , 一声声在荔枝枝 。5、《画眉鸟》宋·欧阳修百啭千声随意移 , 山花红紫树高低 。始知锁向金笼听 , 不及林间自在啼 。6、《咏架上鹰》唐·崔铉天边心胆架头身 , 欲拟飞腾未有因 。万里碧霄终一去 , 不知谁是解绦人 。7、《放鹰》唐·白居易十月鹰出笼 , 草枯雉兔肥 。下鞲随指顾 , 百掷无一遗 。鹰翅疾如风 , 鹰爪利如锥 。本为鸟所设 , 今为人所资 。孰能使之然 , 有术甚易知 。取其向背性 , 制在饥饱时 。不可使长饱 , 不可使长饥 。饥则力不足 , 饱则背人飞 。乘饥纵搏击 , 未饱须絷维 。所以爪翅功 , 而人坐收之 。圣明驭英雄 , 其术亦如斯 。鄙语不可弃 , 吾闻诸猎师 。