

2019年12月大学英语六级考试刚刚刚结束,考过的同学不知感受如何,今年的六级作文题目考察的是社会责任感,对于社会责任感这个话题,大家既可以从社会责任感带来的积极面出发;同时,也可以陈述缺乏社会责任感的弊端 。写作的过程中,注意层次清晰,语言丰富正式 。文都四六级英语老师为大家整理了2019年12月大学英语六级真题作文参考范文(第一套:社会责任感)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of social responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 word百思特网s.
There is no doubt in saying that having a strong sense of responsibility is of great significance for social harmony, which should not be ignored by the young generation.
However, with the increasingly fierce competition in modern society,
a growing number of youngsters tend to be under tremendous pressure. As a result, they are more likely to focus on their own short-term interests, ignoring the value of social responsibility. A case in point is the decline of social ethics and morality. As a matter of fact, nowadays, a number of citizens are not willing to help others who are in need of help and indifferent to their suffering. If we left the current situation alone, hardly could we live in a harmonious and loving society.
In conc百思特网lusion, it is imperative to take some corresponding measures . For one thing, the mass media should enhance the publicity, enlightening the young as to cultivating strong sense of social responsibility. For another, it is advisable that individuals should pay more attention to what will benefit us all in the future.
毫无疑问,社会责任感对社会和谐非常重要,而这不应该被年轻的一代人遗忘 。
然而,随着当代社会竞争日益激烈,越来越多的年轻人面临巨大的压力 。结果,他们往往只在乎自己的短期利益,忽视社会责任感的价值 。以道德下滑为例,事实上,目前,很多市民不愿意帮助处境困难的人,对他们的遭遇十分冷漠 。如果我们放任这个现状,我们无法生活在和谐友爱的社会 。
总之,是时候采取些行动了 。一方面,大众传媒应该加大宣传,启迪百思特网培养年轻人强烈的社会责任感 。另一方面,人们应该更多的关注长远利益 。
以上就关于六级作文的范文及解析,再一次提醒大家,在书写的过程中一定不要忘了字迹工整,仔细审题 。对于社会责任感这种话题,最好能举一到两个例子,从而防止内容过于空洞 。
