
英语单词advertence 英[əd'vɜ:təns]美[əd'vɜ:təns]n.注意,留意
双语例句1 . He mentioned the problem casually with no advertence to its importance.他随便地提到那问题,而没有讲述到它的重要性.
网络释义相关词条+brand advertizing1 . 品牌广告
research and analysis on the style of brand advertizing and its influence factor ., 品牌广告风格及其影响因素探析.
+and adverts1 . 和广告
because of the low cost of labour , marketing organizations have started to employ people to post information and adverts on public forum websites and blogs .由于劳动力成本低廉,营销机构已开始雇人在公共论坛网站和博客上发布信息和广告 。
+advertizing revenue1 . 广告收入
because since this year the macro economic situation changes , as media income important origin advertizing revenue whether also from this to come under the influence 不过,由于今年以来宏观经济形势发生变化,作为媒体收入重要来源的广告收入是否也由此会受到影响?
+Interstitial advert【advertence是什么意思_advertence翻译英文怎么读】1 . 植入式广告
植入式广告(Interstitial advert),点击后打开网页等到右上角的倒记时完后,点击SKIP AD按钮,在点击图标,就打开了跳转后的网站,植入式广告单价是最高的 。