
英语单词advertised 美['ædvətaɪzd]v.公布( advertise的过去式和过去分词 );宣传;展现;宣传(自己的事)
双语例句1 . In 1991, the house was advertised for sale at $49,000.1991年,这座房子登广告出售,售价为49,000美元 。
2 . His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose.他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强 。
3 . The contract for this will no doubt be widely advertised .关于这个的合约无疑会受到广泛宣传 。
4 . There are a wealth of telesales jobs advertised .广告里有大量电话销售的岗位 。
5 . The news of his appointment filtered out before it was officially advertised .他被任命的消息在还没正式公布前就被透漏出去.
网络释义-advertised 1 . 广而告之
The job vacancy must have advertisedin Sweden and the EU ., 空缺岗位必须在瑞典和欧盟广而告之.
2 . 登报
advertisedthe loss of newspaper invoices and statements ;, 登报发票及报纸上的丢失声明;
3 . 贴广告
he constantly advertisedfor hired hands .他经常贴广告雇佣人手 。
4 . 广告登
When the sale was advertised, hundreds of customers flocked into the department store ., 大减价的广告登出后 , 上千的人涌入商店.
相关词条+advertisers1 . 广告商
He ' s entertaining models and advertisers and designers ., 他款待的是模特广告商和设计师.
+advertisement1 . 告白
in the outdoor advertisement should pay attention to consider ink light resistance ., 在室外的告白不离答该夺目思考油不朱的耐平性.
+advertising1 . 广告
广告(英语:advertising或advertizing)The Century Dictionary Online,可以泛指一切不针对特定对象的公告,包括公益广告、旅游广告、商业广告等等 。然而,日常生活中所说的“广告”往往特指商业广告,即用于推广货品、服务、或理念的付费公告 。因此,以下所说的“广告”特指其中的“商业广告”,即狭义的“广告”,除非特别说明 。
2 . 广告的
nevertheless , to " principal reduction sale " , many clients express in post of hair on the net , " This is advertising stunt , everybody must not credulous .不过,对于“血本甩卖”,不少顾客在网上发帖表示,“这都是广告的噱头,大家千万不要轻信 。”