2021进出口公司注册( 三 )

There is another very important thing, never easily believe in the so-called large scale because you are looking for a custom broker instead of the largest company. Those who boost a large scale company and big number of staff and wide spread agencies etc. must have some differences in the company, like fake.

所谓问,就是对进出口货代公司的口碑进行多方打听,加以印证 。如果一家进出口公司是可靠可信的,那肯定在这行有非常良好的信誉 。好的公司肯定视客户为上帝,维系好一个客户,就要帮客户解决进口过程中所遇到的麻烦 。
To ask is to hear more of the custom broker for more evidence. If the company is reliable, it shares a good reputation in the line. A good company regards customers as god and remain well, therefore, it will handle the problems in the procedure.
所以在这点上希望大家重视,可以询问一下这家企业帮什么公司进过设备,能不能看看相关的留底文件,再进行多方考究认证 。
Hence, i hope we can all pay attention to this point by asking about the cooperated companies and if possible, have a look at the remained files to get verification from multiple aspects .

所谓切,是指确定好几家进出口公司后,进行实地的考察 。
Prescribe means practical investigation of the decided several custom brokers.
当然考察面主要定在对方当面交流和影响上,在实际面对面的交谈中,如果询问对方的问题时对方总是给你一个模糊的概念,或者天马行空地乱讲一通,那么这家公司就立马PASS掉,这个人肯定不可靠 。
The survey mainly focus on the face-to-face negotiation and influence. If they always give a vague concept as answer or just talk a lot without logic, then you can immediately delete this choice with a unreliable person.
人品很重要,我们要找踏踏实实做事的人,如果一个人从说话上都是非常慎重的人,那么这个人在做事中肯定也是一个很谨慎的,可靠的人 。
Personality is very important and we are looking for a stable and reliable person. If he speaks in a cautious way, then he must be also careful and reliable in behavior.
【2021进出口公司注册】The four methods mentioned above are all needed to find a reliable custom broker. And i hope all my fans will successfully find your partner with bright eyes!