
Hello!I\\'m XX university XX campus a graduating student, the profeional is the financial accounting, I hope I can do to your accounting and its related work.
The university for four years, I not only pay attention to the basic course of study, and attach importance to the cultivation of ability.During the period of school, I take the time, study hard, excellent grades completed basic theoretical course of study.At the same time, I also plan to take time to read all kinds of books, magazines, as much as poible to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to keep pace with the pace of The Times.Besides study, out of school, I try to catch every chance to exercise, with different levels of people get along with, let oneself close contact society, feel the life, savour the life of sour, sweet, bitter, hot, make oneself to mature as soon as poible.
Now I desire to your units to work can, make what learn and the theoretical knowledge of organically combined with practice, can make their life has a qualitative leap.
Select the unit, wages and welfare not I consider first conditions.I pay more attention to the whole image of the unit, management mode, the morale of the employees and working atmosphere.I believe your unit is just what I pursuit of the ideal goal.I am very confident to you promise: choose me, you will not regret.
我是xx省xx财贸学校会计专业××级的一名毕业生,怀着对贵公司的尊重与向往,我真诚地写了这封自荐信,向您展示一个完整的我,希望贵公司能接纳使我成为其中的一员 。
我十分珍惜在校的学习时间,不断从各个方面完善自己 。一方面,我刻苦攻读、认真务学,每个学期都以优良的成绩完成规定学科的学习 。在校期间,我不但考下了办公自动化、珠算五级,还学习了会计的知识和办公自动化软件的专业知识,学校主要开设的课程有:基础会计、工业会计、商业会计、出纳实物、统计学、财经法规、应用文等 。两年的中专生活不仅充实了我的大脑,还丰富了我的知识,也增长了我在操作方面的才能,这也是当好一名会计人才的条件,经过多次的会计模拟实习,我对会计的做账有了新的认识与体会 。在学校两年里,我积极配学校的各项工作,因时制宜地开展各种校内外活动 。如:参加校运会当拉拉队;参加班级大拔草等等,这不仅拓宽了我的视野,也丰富了我在校的生活
在课余时间里,我喜欢阅读各类书籍,从书中吸取养料来充实自己、更新观念、开拓胸怀,除了读书,适当的体育运动对我来说也是必不可少的,强健的身体是进行工作的前堤,因此,每天我都会进行适量的体育活动 。如:打球、晨跑、跳绳等 。