教师类自荐信范文有没有?( 三 )

大学阶段是我个人慢慢成熟的阶段 。大学四年我积极的利用经历了挫折与成功,养成了坚韧和自信,对生活充满信心,对事业执着追求 。学习实践的过程培养了我团队协作的精神,学生干部的经历培养了我的组织与协调能力,树立了我尽职尽责、兢兢业业的敬业精神 。
我坚信:不断的总结、剖析,完善自我,挖掘潜能,在今后的工作岗位上就一定能干出一番成绩 。诚然,在学识渊博,阅历丰富的前辈面前,我还只是一只渴望翱翔蓝天的雏鹰,但在您赐予的人生蓝图和事业空间里,经过勤修苦炼,明天的我也会展翅高飞 。敬候您的佳音!


Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to apply for the position of an English teacher your school offered.Teaching is my ideal career and fits my major.I am interested in teaching at your school.
As you can see from the enclosed resume, I will graduate from Jiaozuo Institute of Technology with Bachelor ’s degree in English Language and Literature in June 2003.Four years of hard study in college have set me a solid foundation for teaching.Tutoring has also strengthened my teaching ability.I am fluent in spoken English with standard pronunciation and skillful in public speaking.Besides what I should learn as an English major, I also have a good command of computer skills, expertly using Microsoft Word, powerpoint and Internet searching.
please see the enclosed resume for more information concerning my education and experiences.I am confident and energetic.What I have achieved in college ensures me being a qualified teacher.
Will you contact me regarding this position as soon as poible? If so, please contact me by phone, or email at ciy_zym@163.net.Sincerely thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely your,
Zhu Yanmei


我是商洛学院英语xx级的学生,将于20xx年7月毕业,我有志于在教育战线上发挥自己的光和热 。
家庭的熏陶,形成了我吃苦耐劳的精神,多年的磨炼铸成了我意志坚强的性格,学校的教育使我具备了我胜任未来教育工作的专业文化素质 。
大学三年,我日趋成熟,学校的人文学术气氛培养了我的道德情操、养成了我良好的学习习惯,我时时严格要求自己,事事严格要求自己,使我在多个方面都有了飞跃的进步 。
在学习上,我深知学习是学生的天职,如果不努力学习将不能胜任未来工作的挑战 。本人除努力学习自己的专业课程外,还积极的拓展知识面,在校期间,多次获得三等奖学金,除此之外,为了适应新时代发展的需要,在课余时间广泛涉猎计算机、管理知识,至此,我已能熟练操作office办公自动化 。全国普通话水平测试二级乙等证书等等 。