for是什么意思|in, for, during的区别何在?( 二 )

Fred had worked a great deal with her at Oxford during the war.
在战争期间,弗雷德和她在牛津一起工作了很长时间 。
在这样的句子里,有时可以用in,但是意思不一定相同 。
What did you do during the war? 表示What did you do while the war was taking place? (打仗时,你干什么了?)但是,What did you do in the war? 表示What part did you play in the war? (你在战争中扮演了一个什么角色?)
during和in两个词都可以用来表示在某段时间内的某个时间发生的单独的一件事 。
He had died during the night. 在那天夜里,他死了 。
His father had died in the night. 他的父亲在那天夜里死了 。
She left Bengal during the late spring of 1740. 在1740年暮春之际她离开了孟加拉 。
Mr Tyrie left Hong Kong in June. 泰瑞埃先生在6月份离开了香港 。
在类似的句子里,in用得更普遍些 。
如果用during,一般是强调对事情发生的准确时间没有把握 。
for是什么意思|in, for, during的区别何在?

during表示某事发生在什么时候;for表示这件事持续了多长时间 。
My father was in hospital during the summer. 我父亲一个夏天都住在医院 。
My father was in hospital for six weeks.
我父亲住了六个星期的医院 。(不能说:…during six weeks)
It rained during the night for two百思特网 or three hours. 夜里下了两三个小时的雨 。
I’ll call and see you for a few minutes during the afternoon.
下午,我来拜访您,和您谈几分钟 。
during和in都可以用来说明某事是在某一特定的时间段之内发生的 。
We’ll be on holiday during/in August. 我们将在8月份休假 。
I woke up during/in the night. 夜里我醒了 。
强调所说的是整个一段时间时用during 。
He had some strange experiences during his military service.
他在服役期间有过一段奇怪的经历 。(不能说:…in his military service)
I’ll try to phone you during the meeting.
会议期间,我会想办法给你打电话的 。(不能说:…in the meeting)
I me them during my stay in China. 我在中国逗留期间遇到了他们 。
《英语词汇用法手册》(L. G. 亚历山大编著)第83页
We were away for a week. 我们离开了一周 。(不能用during)
(正确用法for + 一段时间;可回答how long?)
It was very hot during/in the summer. 夏天天气很热 。
He’s phoned six times during/in the last hour.
他在刚才一个小时之内大了六次电话来 。
(during = 在所提到的时间之内,间断或不间断地)
I didn’t learn much during my teacher training course.
我从师范课程中没学到多少东西 。(不能用in)
用for + 一段时间表示时间的持续:
for two hours for a week for ages
We watched TV for two hours last night.
Jess is going away for a week in September.
Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for ages.
Are you going away for the weekend?
用during + 名词表示事情发生的时间:
during the movie during our holiday during the night
I fell asleep during the movie.
We met some really nice people during our holiday.
The ground is wet. It must have rained during the night.
表示时间的词(例如the morning/the afternoon/the summer)常可与in或during连用:
It must have rained in the night. 或…during the night.
I’ll phone you sometime during the afternoon. 或…in the afternoon.
不能用during来表示时间的持续 。
It rained for three days without stopping. (而不用during three days)
I fell asleep during the movie. I was asleep for half an hour.
during + 名词
I fell asleep during the movie. (名词)
We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.
Robert suddenly began to feel ill during the exam.
while + 主语+ 动词
I fell asleep while I was watching TV. (主语+动词)
We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.
Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he was doing the exam.
I stayed at home during the summer. (或…in the summer.)
The population of the city has actually fallen during the last decade. (或…in the last…)