
  1. 望江南·咏弦月
    初八月,半镜上青霄 。斜倚画阑娇不语,暗移梅影过红桥,裙带北风飘 。
  2. 渡江云·晴岚低楚甸
    晴岚低楚甸,暖回雁翼,阵势起平沙 。骤惊春在眼,借问何时,委曲到山家 。涂香晕色,盛粉饰、争作妍华 。千万丝、陌头杨柳,渐渐可藏鸦 。
    堪嗟 。清江东注,画舸西流,指长安日下 。愁宴阑、风翻旗尾,潮溅乌纱 。今宵正对初弦月,傍水驿、深舣蒹葭 。沉恨处,时时自剔灯花 。
  3. 遣意二首
    啭枝黄鸟近,泛渚白鸥轻 。一径野花落,孤村春水生 。 
    衰年催酿黍,细雨更移橙 。渐喜交游绝,幽居不用名 。 
    檐影微微落,津流脉脉斜 。野船明细火,宿雁聚圆沙 。 
    云掩初弦月,香传小树花 。邻人有美酒,稚子夜能赊 。
  4. 摸鱼儿(寿贾师宪)
    指庭前、翠云金雨 。霏霏香满仙宇 。一清透彻浑无底,秋水也无流处 。君试数 。此样襟怀,顿得乾坤住 。闲情半许 。听万物氤氲,从来形色,每向静中觑 。 
    琪花落,相接西池寿母 。年年弦月时序 。荷衣菊佩寻常事,分付两山容与 。天证取 。此老平生,可向青天语 。瑶卮缓举 。要见我何心,西湖万顷,来去自鸥鹭 。
  5. 浪淘沙
    泼火雨初晴 。草色青青 。傍檐垂柳卖春饧 。画舫载花花解语,绾燕吟鸾 。 
    箫鼓入西泠 。一片轻阴 。钿车罗盖竞归城 。别有水窗人唤酒,弦月初生 。

有关下弦月的诗词让我想到漫画下弦之月~~只能找到英文诗BY/Amy Lowell The Last Quarter of the Moon How long shall I tarnish the mirror of life,A spatter of rust on its polished steel!The seasons reelLike a goaded wheel.Half-numb, half-maddened, my days are strife.The night is sliding towards the dawn,And upturned hills crouch at autumn's knees.A torn moon fleesThrough the hemlock trees,The hours have gnawed it to feed their spawn.Pursuing and jeering the misshapen thingA rabble of clouds flares out of the east.Like dogs unleashedAfter a beast,They stream on the sky, an outflung string.A desolate wind, through the unpeopled dark,Shakes the bushes and whistles through empty nests,And the fierce unrestsI keep as guestsCrowd my brain with corpses, pallid and stark.Leave me in peace, O Spectres, who hauntMy labouring mind, I have fought and failed.I have not quailed,I was all unmailedAnd naked I strove, 'tis my only vaunt.The moon drops into the silver dayAs waking out of her swoon she comes.I hear the drumsOf millenniumsBeating the mornings I still must stay.The years I must watch go in and out,While I build with water, and dig in air,And the trumpets blareHollow despair,The shuddering trumpets of utter rout.An atom tossed in a chaos madeOf yeasting worlds, which bubble and foam.Whence have I come?What would be home?I hear no answer. I am afraid!I crave to be lost like a wind-blown flame.Pushed into nothingness by a breath,And quench in a wreathOf engulfing deathThis fight for a God, or this devil's game.

以下诗句中与下弦月相似的是 古人咏月的诗句很多的,但纵览下来明确表明月相的确不多 。
广为流传的名句就更少了 。
本人文学功底有限,就当作抛砖引玉吧 。
朔月:月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃(卢纶《塞下曲》)峨眉月:可怜九月初三夜,露似珍珠月似弓(白居易《暮江吟》)大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩(李贺《马诗》 不排除是峨眉月(残))上弦月:月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠(张继《枫桥夜泊》)舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风( 晏几道 《鹧鸪天》)满月:海上升明月,天涯共此时(张九龄《望月怀远》)月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后(欧阳修《生查子》下弦月:月出惊飞鸟,时鸣春涧中(王维《鸟鸣涧》)峨眉月(残):寻章摘句老雕虫,晓月当帘挂玉弓(李贺《南园》)还有一句必须提到:思君如满月,夜夜减清辉(张九龄《赋得自君之出矣》)这一个问题回答的,明显感觉力不从心 。
看来在文学方面,我需要补的课还很多 。
期望各位网友补充吧 。
峨眉山月歌的诗词《峨眉山月歌》原文和译文:峨眉山月半轮秋:峨眉山上,半轮明月高高地挂在山头 。
影入平羌江水流:月亮倒映在平羌江那澄澈的水面 。
夜发清溪向三峡:夜里我从清溪出发奔向三峡 。
思君不见下渝州:到了渝州就看不到你(峨眉山上的月亮)了,多么思念你啊!注释:⑴峨眉山:在今四川峨眉县西南 。