电脑技术员英语自我评价( 三 )

在工程中,技术含量较高,这就要求作为技术人员对待工作不能人浮于事,做好人,要以踏实、严谨的态度对待工作,不懂的东西要善于学习,已懂的东西更要精益求精,因为技术在不断进步更新,只有通过不断地学习,辅以求精务实,脚踏实地的作风,方能胜任自己的工作岗位.一切工程施工,技术和质检工作贯穿始终,在工作经验的积累中,逐步培养自己的预见性,方能起到技术先行的作风,建筑职业不同于其他行业,它需要不断在现场检查、监督,随时发现问题,解决问题,而这些工作都在现场比较恶劣的环境下进行,这要求我不断培养吃苦耐劳的精神 。
工作中我不怕苦不怕累,放下管理人员清高的姿态,从工程的实干中不断丰富自己所学才能,使自己的现场综合处理能力得到锻炼和提高.身为公司的一员,有机会能在这样的条件下学习和锻炼,我感到无比的自豪,这种环境和外部的条件给了我一种自信和荣耀,但更多的是对我的今后工作的鞭策,就要求我在工作中时刻要以企业的形象来约束自己,我所有的言行要符合特级企业的标准,逐步培养自身的个人素质和修养,才能无愧于领导的信任和培养.我通过半年来的工作,找出工作中的不足,以便在以后的工作中加以克服,同时还多看书,认真学习好规范规程及有关文件资料,掌握好专业知识,提高自己的工作能力,加强工作责任感,及时做好个人的各项工作 。
总之,在今后的工作与学习当中,我将不断的总结与反省,不断地鞭策自己并充实能量,努力提高自身素质与业务水平,以适应时代和企业的发展,与公司共同进步、共同成长 。我按照领导确定的工作思路,以微笑服务为己任,以顾客满意为宗旨,立足本职、爱岗敬业、扎扎实实地做好基层营业工作 。优秀技术员工的自我评价


Since the company in August 1999 I was awarded the title of the technician to the present, has been four years time. In these four years, I have been in the operation department, by virtue of their own efforts and leadership to help, from a main duty officer promoted to the duty chief, and was promoted to the post of assistant. During this period, I have our first station of the system have a better understanding and awareness of some of the various types of accidents have a certain degree of independent analysis and processing capabilities, a technician to do a good job duties .
My major in the school of thermal and automation control professional, but in the first station to run our work is most in need of heat, electrical and other aspects of knowledge. This is for me a new challenge, but also the need for continuous learning to improve, so that their professional skills can be fully developed. So, I got some books about these areas, targeted to our system of learning, but also ask some of the old master and professionals, ask them to show up preaching. Through their own efforts and the help of colleagues, finally work pays off, my professional knowledge and professional skills have been greatly improved.