
刀豆文秘助手(www.daodoc.com)之五一劳动节英语作文 小学五一劳动节英语作文
my labor\\'s day
the expectant labor day arrived at finally,we can take a break finally.the seldom several days holidays, i want to play a fully enjoy.
the first day, i\\'m going to yiwu.i by train, set out from shanghai, by way of jiaxing and hangzhou.the scenery in the journey is very beautiful, there is many hills, but not how many waters, my happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, because i\\'m not to like the water very much, especially big river.
keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, i arrived yiwu.the many people says, yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, i approve very much now, however the night that i like it.i live the neighborhood in hills, air is very good, but there is a lot of insectual.the sunlight is very strong there sevral days, usually in the daytime of time, i sleeping in house, the nightfall go to play.very quick a week pade by.
the holidays be over, i felt not how happy, but i hope that i can to breathe the air on the hills again.expect the labor day of the next year.
今天是五一放假的第二天,晴空万里,风和日丽,真是一个好天气 。我,熊仔,丁丁,贺贺一起去清风湖游玩 。看过了奇花异草,喜爱刺激的熊仔提议去坐快艇 。
我因为从来没坐过快艇,心里真是十五个吊桶打水——七上八下 。不停地问开快艇的工作人员:“开得多快啊?”“这水有多深啊?”并不住地拉紧自己救生衣的带子 。我心想:“哎呀,是不是很吓人啊,怎么办呢?”上了快艇,我本来是坐在后面的 。丁丁说:“哎呀,后面可刺激了!”我心“咚”的一下,立刻和坐在我前面的熊仔换位 。
快艇开动了!我紧紧抓着把手,怎么也不肯松开 。这时,快艇开始往左边倾斜 。我吓得屏息凝气,生怕翻船 。后来,我才发现虚惊一场 。快艇又开始往右边倾斜了 。经过几次左摇右摆后,我的紧张警报解除了,胆子也大了起来:一只手抓着把手,另一只手伸下水里去撩拨浪花 。快艇溅起的水花和我撩起来的水,一起喷向我和丁丁 。我的袖子上立刻就有了斑斑水迹,清清凉凉让我感觉极好 。“哦——”我忍不住兴奋地叫起来 。坐在我后面被弄了一头雾水的丁丁发出了愤怒的喊声:“兔子,你看你干的‘好’事……”
快艇越开越快 。不时地左摇右摆,把人的胃口吊得足足的 。“喔——”这一次倾斜的角度可真大!好像左边的人快要掉进水里一样!谁看了都会为他们捏一把汗,身临其境的我们却不以为然 。熊仔还得意洋洋地说:“看,还是左边有意思吧!”没想到快艇又突然往右边倾斜了起来,角度也不小啊!“哇喔!”我又把手伸进了水里作怪,这一次,水花飞溅,一滴滴水珠以迅雷不及掩耳之势飞向我的袖子,只见我的袖子立刻湿得透透的,那凉凉的感觉瞬间沁透我的手臂 。特殊“活跃分子”还把开火目标转移到了我的脸上!它们有的跳进我张得大大的嘴巴;有的蹦进我的眼睛里;也有的没找到突破口,直接在脸颊上扎了寨……“城门失火,殃及池鱼”这次不只是丁丁的“惨叫”不绝,她的邻座熊仔也“难逃此劫” 。我高叫着:“有意思吗,你们两个觉得倍爽倍清新吗?”一时间,快艇中笑声,叫声汇成一片 。噢,好“嗨皮”啊 。