香港诗词届的三大鬼才( 四 )

2013青岛出版社 暑假生活指导 八年级 答案英语 第89页 词汇练习 一、1. pollute 2.mice 3.useful 4.itself 5.surprised 6.decision 7.fortunately 8.luckily 9.borrow 10.freedom二. 1.fetter fattest 2.more boring most boring 3.less least 4.fartter farthest 5.worse worst三.1.guides guiding guided guied 2.flies flying flew flown 3.lies lying lied lied4.forgets forgetting forgot forgotten 5.chooses choosing chose chosen 6.sees seeing saw seen7.hears hearing heard heard 8.pays paying paid paid 9.enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoying10.feels feeling felt felt翻译 一.1.complain about sth. interested in studying friendly to... mad at5.keep out 6.赠送;分发 7.排队等候 8.把我的书忘在家里了 9.被...用 10.违反规则二、1.Would you mind me turning down the music? 2.It always snows in Qingdao's winter,isn't it? 3.It's difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 4.I didn't go to bed until my father went back. 5.He said ,when he was dreaming his mother woke him up.6.玛丽非常吃力的读完了这些书 。
7.有些歌手唱英文歌就像本土歌手唱得一样好 。
8.在未来的中国,污染会越来越少 。
9.说话时仅靠着别人在一些亚洲国家是很普遍的现象 。
10.杨蕾非常享受她做志愿者的时间 。
填空 一.1.has been 2.has seen wants 3.personal 4.himself 5.supposed 6.closing 7.will bake am8.passing 9.was playing was cooking 10.be二.1.Indians 2.studying 3.look though 4.especially 5.worse 6.complaining 7.months 10.requirement三.CCDBB ADCBA BBCBD DADDC ACCBC ADCBB一.1.better 2.task 3.annoyed 4.more careful 5.was cooking 6.spends 7.request 8.brought 9.Watching 10.records二.1.sold 2.each 3.give 4.felt 5.thought 6.bought 7.too 8.payed 9.pass 10.ate阅读理解 (A)AABDA (B)CABDC (C)BCBC (D) (一)TFTT (二)73% 87% 47% 78%(横填)(三)They can look for information about their study,work and life.Also,they hope to look for some ways to educate their children.(E)1.Because the bananas as food by men . 2.Is warm and wet. 3.The farmers have to spray the leaves to prevent plant diseases.They also have to remove the weeds and grass in the areas around the plant. 4.They are produced in large quantities in tropical countries.5.No,they aren't.Beacause they will lose their flavor if they are allowed to ripen on the plant.句型转换 1.How is get on 2.Lily siad she will go to the Summer Palace.3.I have a snoopy doll for two years. 4.It's a good way to learn English is singing English songs. 5.How long have you been collecting things? 6.If you think hard,you'll have a good idea. 7.How is an interesting book! 8.The teachers aren't both Frenchmen. 9.Has he yet had lunch? Yes,he has. 10.What was he doing when the teacher came in?书面表达 1.Because it very interesting. 2.I like stamps with buildings. 3.For five years. 4.Because I want to meet more stamps collectors.Dear Sir or Madam, I want to join the Stamps collecting Club.I like collecing stamps very much.Because I think it very interesting.I have been colleting stamps five years ago.And now,I have 205 of them.I particularly like stamps with buildings.It's so beautiful.I want to join the Club,beacause I want to meet more stamps collectors. Lily历史长廊 1.慧眼识英雄 袁隆平 周恩来 邓小平 容国团 彭德怀2.永载史册的时间 1970 1964 1967 1999 2003填字改造 1.农业 手工业 资本主义工商业 2.大跃进 人民公社化 3.百花齐放 百家争鸣 4.深圳 珠海 厦门汕头海南上海浦东 5.中华人民政治协商会议共同纲领 中华人民共和国宪法 6.联合国五个常任理事国 尼克松 田中角荣 7.互相尊重主权和领土完整互不侵犯 互不干涉内政 平等互利 和平共处 8.加强两岸经济交流 互补互利 9.江青 林彪 10.1997 7 1 1999 12 20 11.苏联 美国 法国 日本 12.小康一一对应 左边用数字表示右边用字母 1.(1)b (2)e (3)a (4)c (5)d 2.(1)c (2)d (3)b (4)e (5)a 3.(1)c (2)d (3)e (4)a (5)b 4.(1)d (2)a (3)b (4)c是真是假 1. 错同时也分给地主应得的一份,让他们自己耕种,自食其力 2. 错 中华人民共和国成立应为三大改造 3. 错 澳门应为香港 4. 错 导弹应为氢弹 5. 错 1972应为1979 6. 错 通过了《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》 7. 对 8.错 民族平等应是民族平等应为民族区域自治 9.错 陈景润应为袁隆平 10. 错 863是指1986年3月形成的计划材料解析 (1) 解放战争 (2)五四运动 标志着中国进入了新民主主义社会的新时期(3)中英鸦片战争从此,中国开始有封建社会逐步沦为半封建半殖民社会,是中国近代史的开端2.(1)周恩来 (2)独立和平自主的外交方针 (3)万隆会议 万隆精神 3.(1)邓小平在1992年讲的(2)中国正实行改革开放(3)这段话进一步解放了人们的思想,对建设有中国特色的社会主义产生了深远影响 。
(4)经济特区——沿海开放城市——沿海经济开放区——内地,这样一个全方位、多层次,宽领域的对外开放格局 4.(1)1953年(2)以鞍山钢铁公司为中心(3)长春第一汽...