英语含翻译自我介绍( 二 )

我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色 。我的爱好是唱歌、跳舞……我最喜欢的人是我的家人、我的朋友和值得我尊敬的人 。
我最大的梦想是有一双天使或精灵的翅膀,在蓝天中自由的飞翔 。我很外向,喜欢交朋友,待朋友很好 。


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it’s great honor for me to do my brief introduction here.Now, I’ll introduce myself from the following three aspects: education, abilities,and work expectation.
My education comes first: there are two parts, my majority and activities I have attended.I graduated from XXX University majored in English.During past four years, I studied my major hard, and tried my best to improve my profeional ability.With my perseverance, my grades of these four years were among the best of my clamates, and finally, graduated succefully.For the activities I have attended were: the volunteer activity in which we helped old people and children; the university sports games in which I attended running competition, and the most interesting activity was the movie dubbing competition.In these activities, I have learned the spirits of cooperation and teamwork, and experienced the happine of helping others.
Next part is the abilities I have got, for English, I have paed TEM4, TEM8 and GRE, and my English listening, speaking, reading, writing abilities have been practiced in my daily study.For computer, I have paed the computer grade one and two test, and got the certificate of NPAP, that’s to say I have got the ability of using WPS and other skills about computer.And during my university, I have learned the curriculum of Busine English listening and speaking, busine English translation etc, so I have got the basic ability of busine English.
Finally, about my career expectation.I love my major, and I want to improve my English ability, so I want to get a job which I can use my majority.Meanwhile, I hope the team will become better with my attending, that’s to say I hope I can do some contribution for my work.I hope you can give me this opportunity of working here and be one of member of you.That’s my introduction, thank you a lot.
【英语含翻译自我介绍】早上好,很荣幸站在着这里做自我介绍 。我将从我的学历、能力和工作期望三方面进行陈述 。
首先,我将从我的专业和参加的活动两方面介绍我的学历 。我毕业于XXX大学英语专业,通过不懈努力,大学四年的成绩一直名列前茅并顺利毕业 。关于我参加的活动,我参加了志愿者活动帮助老人和孩子,参加大学生运动会赛跑比赛,以及最有趣的外语电影配音大赛,从这些活动中我学习到了合作精神和团队精神,体会了帮助他人的愉悦 。
下面是我获得的一些能力,英语方面,通过了英语专业四级和专业八级考试以及GRE考试,计算机方面,通过了计算机一级二级考试,以及全国高新专业人才证书,也就是说,我在计算机文档表格等方面已熟练掌握,并且对计算机方面技术已经掌握 。大学期间已主修了商务英语翻译、商务英语视听说等课程,所以,对商务英语方面也有一些了解 。