小学六年级英语教学设计怎么写?( 四 )

Step 5: 课外拓展,施展才华,真我风彩/你演我演大家乐!(改编或照演Let’s read 的对话)
A:Hello,Peter,What are you going to do this weekend?
B:I’m going to the bookstore . I want to buy some comic books .What are you?
A:I’m going to the bookstore ,too. I want to buy some post cards.B:Let’s go together.
B:When are we going?
A:On Saturday morning.
A:See you then.
Step 6 :小结本课内容
GS: What are going to do? (twice each time)Play football, Play football
BS: I’m going to ply football.(take pictures, play chess, play games, plant tree, watch TV, go chopping, go hiking and so on
What are you going to do? I’m going to?
本节课的内容我选自人教版PEP六年级上册Unit3 What are you going to do?的最后一课时;B Let’s read,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,延深、扩展了教材的内容 。除了教授课文中的重点句型外,还扩充了句型的多人称变化及特殊疑问句what when where how在一般将来时的运用,同时让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识 。