面试用的自我介绍怎么写?( 二 )


我叫李冰 , 是一名药学系的大学生 , 我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力;乐观开朗的我 , 在思想上积极上进 , 取得党课结业证书;心理咨询承受能力强 , 有较强的适应能力;为人诚恳老实 , 具有责任心;在校期间积极参加各项活动并取得好名次;经常参加校内的各项体育运动 , 并代表学院参加比赛 , 因此我具有良好的身体素质 。通过在校内外的实践使我具有了较强的组织能力 , 协调能力 , 动手能力;集体观念强;具有创新意识 。我正处于人生精力充沛时期 , 从不满足于现有的知识水平 。
心怀若谷 , 在以后的医药工作中更要本着为患者负责的态度 , 加强实践和学习 。愿领导给予我机会 , 让我发挥所长 , 实现自我价值和社会价值 。


【面试用的自我介绍怎么写?】hello everyone, my name is lee.
thi is realli a great honor to have thi opportunity, and i believ i can make good perform today.
now i will introduc myself briefly.
i am 20 year old born in guangdong province, south of china, and i am a senior student at guangdong **university.
my major is english.
a nd i will receiv my bachelor degre after my graduat in june.in the past four years, i spent most of my time on study.i pa cet4 and cet6 with a eas and acquir basic theoret and practic knowledg of language.
besides, i have attend sever speech competit held in beijing, which realli show our profeion advantages.
i have taken a tour to some big factori and companies, through which i got a deep understand of english for application.
compar to develop countries, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinari progre sinc 1998, our packag industri is still
underdeveloped, mei and unstable, and the situat of employe in the field is awkward.
but i have full confid in it bright futur if onli our economi can be kept at the growth pace still.
i gue you mai be interest in why i choos thi job.
i would like to tell you that thi job is on of my lifelong goals.if i can work here,i will work hard.
a to my character, i cannot describ it well, but i know i am optimist and confident.
sometim i prefer to stai alone, read and listen to the music, but i am not lonely, for i like to chat with my clamat about almosteverything.
my favorit pastim is to plai volleyball, to plai card or to surf online.
from life at university, i learn how to balanc studi and entertainment.
by the way, i wa an actor in our amaz drama club.i have a few gloriou memori on stage.that is my pride…
美好的四年大学生活让我积累了充分的文化知识 , 社会实践能力有了进步 , 也让我在心理上有了质的奔腾 。我在一直不断的努力着做我自己 , 超越自己 , 希望可以有更高质的奔腾 。