
元旦到了 , 学校里举办了《童声童语迎新春》的活动 。
我和其他五位同学一起朗诵了“明天要远足” 。其他有的同学进行了一个人的朗诵 , 有的人是和爸爸妈妈一起朗诵 , 还有的同学表演了舞蹈 。
我虽然没有得到一等奖 , 但是 , 我学到了跟大家一起站讲台上朗诵 , 这样事情是一件很美又快乐的事情 。我希望以后还能有更多的机会参加这样的活动 。


In order to welcome the New Year's day, on Friday afternoon, the campus held a grand "celebrate New Year's day" activities.
First of all, is broadcast gymnastics competition, in order to win the good grades in the game, we spent a lot of time training before cla game broadcasting gymnastics movement, finally, the test of time, everyone in school uniform, Shouting loud slogans, stepping the pace of neat went to the playground.Students in action finally won a radio gymnastics competition first prize.
Next is the tug of war, the race began, only listen to referee a whistle, four students in our cla and rival (a) cla all hard pull back, easily won the first round of our cla.The second round, our cla in the place, the game began, the referee blows the whistle, our cla began desperately, but four makes for (a) claes, see our cla is about to lose, we cheerleaders and yell: "come on! Come on!" Only hear a whistle, our cla finally won again! The students happy cheer up!
This is really a memorable New Year's day!
为了迎接元旦 , 星期五下午 , 校园举行了一场盛大的“庆元旦”活动 。
首先 , 是广播操比赛 , 为了能在比赛中夺得好成绩 , 我们班比赛前花了很多时间训练广播体操的动作 , 终于 , 考验我们的时刻到了 , 大家穿着校服 , 喊着响亮的口号 , 踏着整齐的步伐来到操场 。同学们整齐的动作终于获得了广播体操比赛第一名 。
接下来是拔河比赛 , 比赛开始了 , 只听裁判一声哨响 , 我们班同学和对手四(一)班都使劲往后拔 , 第一轮我们班轻而易举就获得了胜利 。第二轮 , 我们班换了地方 , 比赛又开始了 , 裁判一吹哨 , 我们班又开始拼命地拉 , 可四(一)班也使足了劲 , 眼看我们班就要输了 , 我们拉拉队使劲地大喊:“加油!加油!”最后只听一声哨响 , 我们班终于又赢了!同学们高兴的欢呼起来!
元旦 , 我回到了老家沙县 , 这天下午 , 我去爬美丽的淘金山 。