
Recently, I read a book, "father and son", which tells the story of urchin, father, and an innocent son.
The book is a work of Russian critical realism. Among them, what impressed me most is the final chapters: father and son later became famous, they just started, very happy, but later, they discovered that others do what they look like and what is not good, so they feel that they are not the one and only the father and son, because this feeling empty son, the father said: "Daddy, I want to go to heaven." Father to son, son of holding hands, non-stop walking, they finally went to heaven, my father became the moon, the son became a star in the end, the author said that if the kids love the father and the son, not every night looking at the sky!
Family, two simple words, but contains the blood and water deep feeling. However, we still have some people around, do not know how to cherish, parents hard to pull you up, and you do not know how to repay, perhaps parents do not seek repayment, but you have a heart of gratitude do not have it? A warm word, a big hug, a deep kiss...... Sometimes the family to erase the happy memories, raised us so many years, whether rich or poor, parents will cherish you, cherish this God given happiness.
Family affection, friendship...... The two indispensable "love", the two contains happiness "love", in this book reflected, also by the author with affectionate ink painting out, let us open the hands, the precious things in our arms!
《父子协议》这本书讲述了一个简单、真实的家庭教育故事 。1996年 , 天津市社科院教授郝麦收在儿子郝丁中专毕业后逼其签订《亲子双向自立协议》 。他狠下心来对儿子实行四不管 , 而儿子也可以不管父母的老年生活 。一场家庭革命不可避免地爆发了??
作为一名天津社会科学院的老年问题研究专家 , 郝麦收本是潜心研究老年问题的 , 却发现自己的独生子养成了独生子女身上几乎所有的一切毛病:不爱惜东西 , 动手能力差 , 没有自制了 , 不负责任 , 并且对于现在拥有的一切都表现得理所当然 , 甚至认为未来自己的就业都应该是父母解决的问题 。对于这样一个“没出息”的独生子 , 郝麦收急坏了 , 他在反思自己以前溺爱孩子的同时 , 更注重解决孩子未来的生计问题 , 到底是把他留在身边一辈子待在他的庇护下 , 还是应该放手让他自己走出家门去打拼属于自己的一片天空?1996年郝丁中专要毕业了 , 郝麦收发现 , 虽然儿子已近成人 , 但对家庭的依赖却没有改变 。如果两代人都一味无原则地互相依赖 , 那么孩子将来能否自立自强 , 扛起生活的重担呢?经过一番深思熟虑 , 郝麦收感到 , 传统的亲情模式必须要改变 , 他萌生了与儿子签订双向自立合同的想法 。