
给大家分享以下这一份关于应聘编导一职的自我介绍范文,仅供大家参考 。
您们好!我是来自炎黄故里河南南阳的XX 。中原自古多才俊,在这块人才辈出的热土上,我接受了18年的优秀教育 。我骄傲,因为我终于可以用自己的才华去诠释这块土地的人杰地灵;我期待着,现在是你们,将来是更多的观众,能够倾听到南阳这块热土成长的声音 。
【编导应聘英语自我介绍怎么写?】我喜欢长笛,喜欢钢琴,喜欢用或舒缓或热烈的音乐表达我对生命的热爱,诠释我对人生的理解 。而喜欢播音主持(编导)似乎也来自这种表达的渴望,我希望自己能够像倪萍一样拥有为所爱挥洒汗水和泪水的“日子”,愿意和白岩松一起“痛并快乐着”,了解崔永元“不过如此”背后的付出和人性,和水均益并肩站在“故事前沿”,像黄健祥一样为了理想“像英雄一样去战斗” 。
实现了真的渴望,才能够算到过了天堂 。现在,播音主持(编导),就是我最想去的地方,我会紧握着自己的梦想不放,固执的守侯,真诚的期待 。我知道,自己就像一只蛹,需要更多磨难与砥砺,我希望能得到这次机会,从而让自己变成那只最美丽的蝴蝶,无限接近播音主持(编导)那份光华与荣耀 。谢谢!


distinguished judges teachers,you are good!
i was ... of candidates ... from ....
first of all, thank you judge a teacher, gave me an opportunity andplatform to display themselves, to achieve my ideal. i am a cheerful,poad-loving girl. childhood i had a desire to grow up, the poadcast must do agood host, as the years go by, to blossom, and i grew up slowly, and this desireis even more strongly, as farmers with hoes who like even more of this work onthe poadcast over the chiai. 12 years in school, i learn the lesson of the sameculture, but also keep the ocean from a wide range of knowledge to learnnutrition, to enrich themselves and enhance their abilities, enhance theirawareness, to better grasp their own future, to realize their ideals. as singerwith a marvelous voice to express their feelings, just as the dancers dancesteps with a light to explain their beliefs, and i will use my voice to pass mylove of poadcasting over the chi.
i know that success on the road was not always smooth, though full ofthorns, but i will: pave, courage, hold onto your dream and hold stubborntarried, sincere look. i want to give me a chance, in the higher and more sacredhalls of knowledge in studies, peaking the cocoon into a butterfly, butterflyinto the dance, infinitely close to the poadcast over share of guanghua andglory. as i learned, through my voice, to convey the enthusiasm of the centralplains is open for the world to listen to the voice of the new century andvoices!
