
你好!本人是XX工商职业技术学院XX届的应届毕业生 。首先感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间来看我的求职信 。
我喜爱模具这项专业并为其投入了很高的精力和 。在三年的技校生活中 , 我勤奋刻苦 , 力求向上 , 努力学习与专业知识 , 课余时间积极的去拓宽的知识 , 并积极参加学校的各种体育活动 。作为正要跨出校门 , 迈向的技校生 , 我以满腔的热情与信心去迎接这一切 。
当今社会需要高质量的复合型人才 , 因此我时刻注意自身的全面提高 , 建立合理的知识结构 。在模具与数控方面有较深厚的理论基础 , 机械制图、机械工艺、公差配合、机械制造、机械加工、CAD、Pro/e等各方面有了一定基础 。
三年技校生活的学习和锻炼 , 给我仅是初步的经验积累 , 对于迈向社会远远不够的 , 但所谓士为知已者死 , 我相信自己的饱满的工作热情以及认真好学的态度完全可以弥补暂时的不足 。因此 , 过去 , 我无怨无悔 , 来到这里是一种明智的选择;面对现在 , 我努力拼搏;面对将来 , 我期待更多的挑战 。战胜困难 , 抓住每一个机遇 , 相信自己一定会演绎出精彩的一幕 。
希望通过我的这封求职信 , 能使您对我有一个更全面深入的了解 , 我愿意以极大的热情与责任心投入到贵公司的发展建设中去 。
您的选择是我的期望 。给我一次机会还您一份惊喜 。期待您的回复 。


Respect yourpany leadership:
How do you do! First of all thank you for taking the time to see my letter of application.
I am xiexiebang industrial technical school graduates of the cla of 2012.I love die the profeional and its input for the high energy and enthusiasm.
In the three years of technical school life, I work hard, and strive to up, study hard foundation and profeional knowledge, after school time positive to broaden their knowledge, and take an active part in school in various sports activities.As was about to step out of the school, to social JiJiaoSheng, I full of paion and confidence to meet all of this.
In todays society need high quality talents, so I always pay attention to own improve, and build a reasonable knowledge structure.In the mold and numerical control (nc) has a profound theoretical foundation, and mechanical drawing, mechanical proce, tolerance fit, machinery manufacturing, profeional mathematics, mechanical proceing,puter graphics and so on various aspects have certain base.
Three years technical school life study and exercise, give me is only a preliminary experience, for towards social not enough, but the so-called and to know already person to die, I believe my full of working paion and serious academic attitude can make up for the deficiency of the temporarily.Therefore, in the face of the past, I with no regret, here is a wise choice.Facing the present, I strive for succe diligently; Facing the future, I look forward to more challenges.The conquest of difficulties, holds each opportunity, believed that oneself certainly will deduct splendid one.