科技馆游记作文如何写?( 三 )

正在我盯着大炮的时候 , “啊—!”的一阵大叫把我惊了一下 。眼睛不由自主的跟着声音过去了 , 牌子上写着“小球历险记” 。这是六个小朋友合作完成的 。小球被卡在螺旋上 , 一个小朋友负责转动螺旋 , 螺旋带动小球缓缓上升 , 升到一个有斜度的铁道上 。另一个小朋友负责把三个铁道合在一起 , 小球顺着铁道滚进了一个圆柱形的小桶里 , 一开始 , 我以为一路很平静 , 突然 , “砰!”的一声响 , 小球腾空而起 , 紧接着 , 它又像玩过山车似的横冲直撞 , 马上到了我控制的地盘 。我用一个大圆盘把锤子的力量调到“大” , 大锤子按我的命令缓缓上升 , 
大家正盼着打下去的时候 , 我摁下了“ok”键 , 小球飞得老高 , 掉到一个大篓子里 , 随后从篓子里弹到大铁盘上 , 发出了清脆的声音 。小球继续着他的冒险 , 小球一次又一次的顺着设计好的轨道进行着它的旅程 , 我目不转睛盯着小球 , 我嫌不过瘾 , 跟着小球一次一次的走着 。妈妈提醒道:“汗汉 , 快点!有的馆我们还没参观呢!”我才恋念不舍的走了 。
到5:00闭馆的时候 , 我们还有整整一层楼还没参观 。临走前我买了个回力镖 , 欢喜无比 。尽管我很不情愿 , 但是只能离开 。我下定决心 , 下次我一定要再玩一遍!中国科技馆真是一个有趣、欢乐、吸引人的好地方!
篇2:高中英语作文 中国科技馆游记
the tour to the cstmby zhou.clast friday, i went to visit chinascience and technology museum (中国科
学技术馆)as well as my clamates.the‘sci-tech palace’ was located in the olympic forest park(奥林匹克森林公园), and it was a four-storey building with an underground canteen(小卖部), which looked like a big magic cube(魔方). when i got into the gallery, i was much impreed with the entire amazing exhibits.there are four parts in exhibition, including the glory of china(华夏之光), exploration and discovery(探索与发现), sci-tech and life(科技与生活),the challenges and the future(挑战与未来).every part had a lot of small games, from which i could learn some science knowledge.in addition, a gallery called science paradise (科学乐园) was designed for children aged 3-10. because of time’s shortage, i couldn’t see everything.but fortunately, i still did lots of interesting scientific experimentsand much knowledge.i hope i can go there next time. 篇3:参观北京科技馆
北京是我们的首都 , 这儿有许多名胜古迹和游玩景点 。假期里妈妈和姥姥带我到北京科技馆参观 , 让我大开眼界 。