名人英语演讲稿( 二 )

and our answer to stress is another vital problem . how to do with ourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ? to wave the white flag and admit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicide as to put an end to everything … of cause not . the principle is to tackle with stress gentlely and harmoniously. we should try our best to release ourselves . such as to do some e_ercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music or classical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life as challenges .it’s no use crying over spilt milk . only to accept what has happened can solve the problem .
ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am here and have finished my speech . here is the last thing i want to add to my topic ,face to it and overcome it ,stress is also a piece of cake.


this election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations.but one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who casther ballot in atlanta.she's a lot like the millions of others whostood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for onething: ann nixon cooper is 106 yearsold.这次选举有许多优势,许多故事,会被告知几代人 。但是,这在我脑海今晚的约一个女人谁投她的选票在亚特兰大 。她就像数以百万计的其他人谁站在线,使他们的声音在这次选举中除一件事:尼克松安库珀是106岁 。
【名人英语演讲稿】she was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons-- because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.她出生的一代刚刚过去的奴役;当时有没有汽车在道路上或飞机在天空中;当有人能像她一样不参加表决的原因有两个-因为她是一名女子,由于她的颜色皮肤 。
and tonight, i think about all that she's seen throughout her century in america -- the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progre; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who preed on with that american creed: yes we can.今晚,我想所有的,她在整个看到她在美国的世纪-在心痛和希望;的斗争和取得的;的时候,我们被告知,我们不能,和人民谁压上与美国的信条:是我们能够做到 。
at a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismied, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot.yes we can.当时妇女的声音被压制和他们的希望被驳回,她活着看到他们站起来,说出并达成的选票 。是我们能够做到 。
when there was despair in the dust bowl and depreion acro the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a new deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.yes we can.当有绝望中的尘埃和抑郁一碗全国的土地,她看到一个民族征服恐惧本身的新政,新的就业机会,一个新的共同使命感 。是我们能够做到 。