《飘》英语读后感怎么写?( 三 )

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.
On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.
斯嘉丽,一个非常有个性的人物,两人她爱,她也不知道 。对她,我不得不佩服,佩服她的坚强和勇敢,佩服她放下环境,农场工人曾受到教育,佩服她能不顾社会创造他们自己的表达的原因 。她在整个故事中,每个人都充满斗志充满活力 。我最欣赏的是“明天是她的另一天” 。希望永远,充满斗志,永不放弃,永不绝望 。我觉得我被她感动了,所以,每当我遇到困难,心情不好时,我会告诉自己:“明天又是新的'一天 。”飘”绝对是一个很好的书,值得再三品味,文字优美,情节起伏跌宕、激动人心的大胆,虽然主观因素是因为其中的作者,在美国南北战争的评价并不客观和全面,但以文学角度来说,这一个很好的作品的产生是绝对值得一游 。
主要人物:小王子、飞行员、玫瑰、狐狸、蛇等 。
尽管我还没有童年,但我还是喜欢读童话故事 。这些故事,伴随着我在我的旧时代,经常让我想起一些宝贵的经验和感觉,只属于儿童 。今年夏天我复习了1940年出版的这类故事 。它是由法国著名的童话作家,安托万,小王子 。
像许多其他童话一样,小王子的轮廓也不是很复杂 。故事的叙述者“我”是一名飞行员,他的飞机有问题,降落在Sahara 。在这种情况下,飞行员使结识了小王子,来自另一个星球的小男孩,小行星B612 。小王子已经逃离了他的小星球,因为他和他的星球上的一朵玫瑰发生了争吵 。在这种情况下,他离开了自己的星球,并对一些邻近小行星进行了探测 。
他独自一人的旅途中,小王子遇见不同的人,包括一位国王,一个自负的人、一个酒鬼、一个商人,点灯人和地理学家 。他从这些人那里得出一个结论:大人都很古怪 。继地理学教学,他降落在Sahara,在地球上 。


Reading a good book can affect a person forever. After reading the book gone with the wind, I was really inspired and benefited from the light. The book, whether it is a beautiful flowing language description or a vivid characterization of the characters, has reached its peak. It is the gem of world literature. Among them, the heroines love view, make me feel quite deep.