《荒野的呼唤》读后感写法怎么样?( 二 )

从这篇故事让我想到了众多有名的科学家,如瓦特,家里穷得连家具都买不起,几经周折后,本下凹的眼窝更向下凹了,可他还是坚持学习手艺,老师教得,他就在晚上干,一直干到深夜,第二天连公鸡都在睡梦中的时候,就已经开始干活了 。他还省吃俭用,勤奋学习,原本要在三年时间才能学会的手艺活他在一年的时间内就全部学会了 。
为了解决以前蒸汽的问题,他想改进蒸气机,在几次实验过后,不但没成功,还欠下了一大堆的债务,但他毫不气馁,更加加倍的和助手投入到工作中去,终在1765年成功造了一台耗煤量比原的蒸气机少四分之一的蒸气机,又经过努力,在172年又造了一台更好得蒸气机,大大地减少了蒸气机的耗煤量,而且效率比原更高了 。
我觉得我们也应该像巴克一样,要去磨练自己,热爱自己的学习,这样才能取得成功 。


寒假里,我读了一本书叫《荒野的呼唤》他的作者是美国的杰克伦敦 。
这本书的主人公是一条名叫巴克的狗,他原来生活在大法官的身边,但是被曼纽尔卖掉了,成了一只雪橇犬,他有过四个主人:在第一个主人手里,他知道了生存的法则;在第二个主人手里,他拖着重物,跑二千多里;第三个主人因为他自己无能和狗狗一起淹死了;第四个主人和巴克感情最深厚,巴克也为主人立了好几件大功,但是主人被印第安人杀害了,它为主人报了仇 。最后巴克回归大自然,成了领头狼 。
这让我想起了一件事,有天,我在家里写作业,碰到一题不会的题目,我左思右想,把所有方法都想了一遍,就是想不出来,我无奈的我放下笔,准备放弃这道题目,往下写,我的目光落到了下一题,写着写着“哎呀!又碰到一题不会的题目,算了,空着空着 。”我烦躁的说 。
时间一分一秒的过去了,我把其他都写好了,可就是不会写那两道,就在我烦恼的时候,无意间看到了一本书《荒野的呼唤》让我想起巴克的勇往直前,坚持不懈,他面对巨大的对手也不乱失阵脚 。我区区那么几道题算什么,于是我又写了起来 。
我们应该像巴克一样,去磨练自己,不到最后不能放弃,只要有一线生机,都要把握住,才能取得成功 。


With the life half throttled out of him, Buck attempted toface his tormentors.But he was thrown down and chokedrepeatedly, till they succeeded in filing the heavy bra collarfrom off his neck.Then the rope was removed, and he wasflung into a cagelike crate.There he lay for the remainder of the weary night
nursinghis wrath and wounded pride.He could not understandwhat it all meant.What did they want with him, thesestrange men? Why were they keeping him pent up in thisnarrow crate? He did not know why, but he felt oppreedby the vague sense of impending calamity.Several timesduring the night he sprang to his feet when the shed doorrattled open, expecting to see the Judge or the boys at least.But each time it was the bulging face of the saloon-keeperthat peered in at him by the sickly light of a tallow candle.And each time the joyful bark that trembled in Buck\\'s throatwas twisted into a savage growl.But the saloon-keeper let him alone, and in the morningfour men entered and picked up the crate.More tormentors,Buck decided, for they were evil-looking creatures, raggedand unkempt; and he stormed and raged at them throughthe bars.They only laughed and poked sticks at him, whichhe promptly aailed with his teeth till he realized that thatwas what they wanted.Whereupon he lay down sullenlyand allowed the crate to be lifted into a wagon.Then he,and the crate in which he was imprisoned, began a