篮球英语演讲稿格式怎么样?( 三 )

1950年秋,nba刚刚创办的第4年,为了挽救开始走下坡路的球市 。nba首任主席莫里斯-波多洛夫、波士顿凯尔特人队的总裁沃尔特-布朗商定在赛季进行至一半时,从东区和西区选出最优秀的球员进行一次对抗赛 。1951年3月2日,在波士顿花园体育馆,举办了首届全明星赛 。2011年2月21日,在洛杉矶快船队和洛杉矶湖人队共同的主场球馆举行了nba历史上第60届全明星盛会 。“当全明星周末”,为期3天,其中包括“全明星赛”、“新秀全明星挑战赛”、“扣篮大赛”、“三分球远投大赛”in the fall of 1950, the nba had just started four years.the first chairman of nba maurice podoloff agreed walter brown (the president of the boston celtics) to choose the best players for a duel from the east and west teams after paing half season in order to prevent the market from declining.on march 2, 1951, nba held the all-star game in boston garden stadium, for the first time .on february 21, 2011(lastthyear), nba held the event in the history of the nba all-star for the 60第二部分the past four parts have been introduced by my partner.now, let me bring the last parts for you.my speech was divided into two parts: nba star and the nba draft system. 现在我们开始吧 。nba球星 。nba拥有一大批才华横溢的球员 。我们只是介绍其中的几位 。now lets begin.nba star.nba has a large number of talented players.we just introduced a few of them. 第一位,让我们来看一下,迈克尔.乔丹,一个几乎所有爱好篮球的人都知道的人 。他于1984年第1轮第3顺位被芝加哥公牛选中 。the first one, lets take a look at michael jordan, a man of whom almostly was known by all basketball lovers.in 1984 ,he was selected by chicago bulls in the third order of the first round. 第二位,姚明,我们都很熟悉的,他是中国篮球的标志和骄傲 。2002年6月,以状元的身份加入休斯顿火箭队,他被称为移动长城 。受困于伤病,2011年7月20日,姚明在新闻发布会上正式宣布退役 。the second , yao ming, we are familiar with him, he is the sign and pride of chinese basketball .in june 2002, joined in the houston rockets in the first order, he was known as the movement of the great wall.under siege by injuries.on july 20, 2011, yao officially announced his retirement in the pre conference. 第三位,科比.布莱恩特,他是nba现役得分王 。1996年他加入洛杉矶湖人队,至今为止,他拿过五个nba总冠军 。third, kobe bryant, he is the scoring champion of nba in the active service.in 1996 he joined in the los angeles lakers, so far, he has taken five nba championship. 第四位,来自迈阿密热火队的勒布朗.詹姆斯,他于2003年加入nba,他的成就不在现在,而在将来 。kobe bryant, some people don’t like his style of playing games.but they can’t deny that he is the most popular player in nba.once he had trouble in his personal affairs, we know that he was accused of a rapist.and for a time he was notorious.but he responded those voices in his action.no doubt that he is a talented player, his father was also a basketball player, and he grew up in a rich family, inheriting his father’s height.as a basketball player, he is also very lucky.he joined in los angles lakers, a great team.and in his fifth season, he got the nba champion ring, because at that time, shark o’nial was in his golden time, and kobe was not the most important player in the team.after shark left lakers, he was alone in the team, and he couldn’t help his team achieve good grades.but it was in those seasons that make his personal statistic very surprise.he got 82 points in a game which is the second highest scores in nba history.the highest is 100 points which was created by chamberlain in 1962.i remember before that game, lakers had lost 4 games in a row, and he was criticized by the los angle media, and at that time, kobe didn’t defend for himself, he chose silences.and his teammates once said, when kobe was silent, you know something篇2:篮球英语演讲1.篮球运动:basketball; cage; hoops2.中国篮球联赛:cba(chinese basketball aociation)3.中国大学生篮球联赛:cuba (chinese university basketball aociation)4.美国篮球联赛:nba(national basketball aociation)5.东部联盟:eastern conference6.西部联盟:western conference7.常规赛:regular season8.季后赛:playoffs; postseason games---preseason games play-off hunt季候夺冠赛