
俗话说得好:女儿是妈妈的贴心小棉袄 。我和妈妈天天形影不离,在我遇到挫折时,她总是耐心地安慰我,让我克服了一个又一个苦难;在我遇到难题时,她总是悉心地教导我,让我解决了一个又一个“拦路虎”;在我考出好成绩时,她总是高兴地夸奖我,与我一起分享快乐 。妈妈教会了我许多,与我一起见证了童年中的酸甜苦辣 。
“什么?什么?我只考了83分?真糟糕!”我简直不敢相信我的眼睛,我不知道该怎么办了,心里只想着回家该怎么向妈妈交代 。后面的课我完全没有听,只希望时间过得慢一点,再慢一点 。我拿着卷子回到家,连吃饭都心神不宁,妈妈好像看出了我的反常,问我:“宇珂,你怎么了?”我的心提到了嗓子眼,慢慢吞吞的说:“我......只考......考了8......83分 。”奇怪的是,我并没有看见妈妈大发雷霆的情景,她语重心长地对我说:“宇珂,你不要伤心,只要你下次考试前认真复习,考试时认真思考,仔细检查 。妈妈相信你是最棒的!”我激动地和妈妈拥抱在一起 。饭后,妈妈与我一起分析错误并改正,还告诉我一定要有好心态 。在之后的几次考试中,我连续几次都用好成绩回报了妈妈的宽容与慈爱 。
炎热的夏天,中午的太阳火辣辣的,妈妈的上班时间早改为了三点,可她却依旧每天一点半送我去上学 。我和妈妈走在快被烤化的大街上,一阵阵热浪扑面而来,想着妈妈还得迎着骄阳返回,我对妈妈说:“妈妈,您以后不要送我了,我可以自己去上学 。”可妈妈依然坚决地说:“等你长大一点儿,你就自己走 。”我的眼圈不禁红了起来 。
早上起来,餐桌上摆满了丰盛的热气腾腾的早餐,那是妈妈精心为我准备的;傍晚时分,妈妈放弃了活动时间,跟我一起坐在垫子上看书,一起讨论书中的情节 。
妈妈在生活中无微不至地照顾我;在学习中循循善诱,耐心地教导我 。我默默地在心里说:谢谢你,妈妈!


To protect the environment
Recently, the smog in Beijing received widespread attention.Therefore, protecting the environment is to play a role in making our life better.
It’s our responsibility to love nature and protect the natural environment.And how to protect the good environment is the people common interest question.
First, we should improve the civilized performance and have the consciousne of protecting the environment at any time.Second, garbage can not be discarded, it is neceary for the reuse by kinds and the treatment of garbage.Third, protect the street or park greening, and do not destroy the flowers, gra and trees.Four, saving consciousne should be reflected in our life.When we left, closing the water and turning off the lights immediately.Usually, the temperature of the air conditioning can not be too high in winter and be too low in summer.Five, try to use le plastic bags.It is a good habit of carrying a cloth bag to the supermarket.Six, do not use disposable tableware as far as poible when we eating out.Using our own tableware is not only beneficial to health, but also to environmentally.Seven, if we need to go out, the first choice is taking the bus instead of driving the car.Sometimes, we can even choose to ride a bike.Eight, we can often take part in some volunteer activities to protect the environment, like clean up the street, planting trees, and promoting environmental protection knowledge.