世界名人英语演讲稿如何写?( 七 )

obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago.during the intervening time,the japanese government has deliberately hope for continued peace. the attack yesterday on the hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to american naval and military forces.i regret to tell you that very many
american lives have been addition,american ships have been
reported torpedoed on the high seas between san francis co and
honoluluyesterday,the japanese government also launched an attack againstmalaya.last night,japanese forces attacked hong kong.last night,japanese forces attacked
guam.last night,japanese forces attacked the philippine islands.last night,the japanese attacked wake island. and thi--orning,the japanese attacked midway island. japan has,therefore,undertaken asurprise offensive extending throughout the pacific area.the facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves.the people of the united states have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.
measures be taken for our defense.but always will our whole nation
remember the character of the onslaught against us.
invasion,the american people in their righteou--ight will win through to absolute victory.
i believe that iinterpret the will of the congre and of the people when iaert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost,but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never againendanger us.
hostilities exist.there is no blinking at the fact that our people,our
合众国当时同该国处于和平状态,并且,根据日本的请求,当时仍在同该国政府和该国天皇举行着会话,但愿维持承平洋地域的和平,实际上,就在日本空队伍中队已经起头轰炸美国瓦胡岛然后一钟头,日本驻合众国大使及其同事还向国务卿提交处理了对美国最近致日方的信函的正式答复 。虽则复函声言继续现行交际谈判已一无用法,它并未包罗关于战争或武装进击的威胁或暗示 。
应该记录在案的是:思量到夏威夷同日本的间隔,此次进击显然是很多天乃至若干礼拜之前就已蓄谋筹谋的 。在筹谋的历程中,日本政府通过虚假的声明和表示但愿维护和平处心积虑地棍骗合众国 。
昨天对夏威夷群岛的进击,给美国海陆军军队造成了紧张的损伤 。我遗憾地告诉各位,很多美国人损失了生命 。此外,据报告,美国商船在旧金山和火奴鲁鲁之间的公海上也遭到了鱼雷袭击 。
昨天,日本政府已策动了对马来亚的进击 。
昨夜,日本军队袭击了喷鼻港 。昨夜,日本军队攻击了关岛 。
昨夜,日本军队攻击了菲律宾群岛 。昨夜,日本人袭击了威克岛 。今晨,日本人袭击了中途岛 。因此,日本在整个承平洋地区范围承平洋地区范围策动了俄然攻势 。发生在昨天和今天的事证实了这一点 。美国人民很是明白,并且十分清楚这关系到我们国家的安全和保存的紧张事态 。