
【《忠犬八公的故事》读后感范文有没有?】《忠犬八公的故事》讲述了一位教授一天旅游回来时在车站发现了一只小秋田犬 。这只秋田犬是从日本来的,教授帕克在车站那儿想让工作人员先收养它,可是问了许多人都无法为它找到主人 。
帕克只好先将这只秋田犬带回了家 。第二天,帕克的妻子打印出了几张寻狗启示,帕克就找了几家商店、小摊贴出 。但是,还未能帮它找到主人 。帕克就只好将它收养了,并给它取名叫“小八” 。
小八一直都和帕克一家生活在一起,每天陪帕克去上班,到了车站才自己回家,到了傍晚五点,就准时等在车站门口的花坛前 。帕克让小八捡球,但是小八并不会去捡 。帕克的一位日本朋友告诉它说:“如果有一天它会让你捡球了,那一定是有特殊的原因 。”
一天,帕克去上班,小八却迟迟不肯走,似乎狗狗能预料到什么 。等到帕克到了车站门口,小八来了,可嘴里叼着球,并且帕克把球扔出,小八把球捡了回来,似乎帕克没理解他朋友的话,还是高高兴兴的走进了车站 。小八没能挽留住帕克,到了傍晚,又等在了车站门口,可却没能等到帕克 。帕克那天在大学演讲时,心脏病突发去世了 。在那以后,小八和他的女儿一起去住了 。可它还是每天都一直等在车站门口,不回家 。从白天到晚上,从春季到冬季,一年又一年,小八还是一直等着 。小八不管风雪、天气有多恶劣,就这样,小八一直等了十年 。直到它自己也衰老而死去 。
看完了这个故事,我为小八的忠诚而感动,我为教授和小八之间的深厚情谊而羡慕,人间处处有真爱,我们一定要爱惜身边的每一条生命,关爱他们,让动物成为我们亲密友爱忠诚的伙伴 。


Although this is an old movie, it gave me a deep impreion.No matter when I saw it, my eyes would brim with tears.It is really a touch movie and worth watching.
The movie, with the setting that a little boy spoke “the ideal hero” on the platform, narrated the story between his grandfather, profeor Gere, and the dog, Hachi.Hachi was a lost dog in the railway station, which was taken in by the profeor.Although his wife was strongly opposed to having the dog, Gere still loved it very much.He made a comfortable room for the Hachi, watched football match together, took it home when there was heavy wind at night and even set an example for the dog in order to train the dog to pick up the ball.These behaviors utterly convinced the wife accepting the dog.Consequently, Hachi became a member of the family.Since then, the dog accompanied with the profeor to the train station, watched him go to work and waited him came back.However, one day, the dog wasn’t willing to send him.That day, when taking cla, profeor died of heart disease and never went back again.The dog was still waiting the profeor at the same place day after day till he died.And before he died, he also recollected those happy days when spent with the profeor.