《西江月》改写作文如何写?( 四 )
Secondly, there is an oversupply of graduates with certain specialty, and this oversupply is increasing.The result is that many of them cannot
enter the profeion for which they are trained and have to take other jobs which even do not require a college degree.
On the other hand, the disparity in pay between intellectual work and busine management has frustrated the hope and ambition of the graduates who major in education, administration and liberal arts.
College graduates are, so to speak, valuable resources in our country.The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention form the colleges and the government.The colleges should get students out of the ivory tower and gear their courses to the real needs of industry and busine; while the government should provide college graduates with more vocational opportunities, better working conditions and decent salaries.
开头用“according to”对图表简单进行叙述,在核心段用“one reason is that; secondly;on the other hand”进行详细论证 。最好结尾表达自己的观点,总结全文并回答文章开头所提出的问题 。
今天,我终于回到了这里——黄沙岭 。
漫步在这儿,抬头看见月亮是多么的明亮,多么的美丽 。然而人们早已熟睡 。喜鹊早早就停留在树梢头,却被月光突然惊动,飞离了树梢 。从一个小小的鸟背影,慢慢变成一小点,最后消失在星星间 。
半夜,现在只有我一人了吧?我心里想着 。突然一阵清风吹过,啊,风姑娘,你也没睡那?风姑娘温柔地抚摸我的脸庞,又突然响起了蝉声,小伙子们,你们也没睡那?你们遇见风姑娘了吗?
与蝉们告了别,风姑娘又和我调皮了,把稻谷花的迷人香气吹到我的脸上,鼻孔里,嘴里 。哦,今年又有大丰收吧?我使劲地闻着稻花香气,呼——多清爽!
与风姑娘告别,我漫步在小池塘,一边欣赏着迷人的月色,一边凝望着仿佛没有流动的池塘的水面上 。很快,四周又响起了小青蛙的叫声 。先是打招呼的一两下,随后越来越多,越来越多,不知有多少蛙 。一阵又一阵的蛙声,像一个大乐队,真好听呢!
渐渐,我离开了小池塘,来到老山下 。朝着天空仰望,漫步在这样的夜晚,多好!星星围绕在月亮四周,七个,八个,我竟数起来了 。边走边看,银河仿佛又多了一种美丽的层次感 。
咦,怎么有水滴?又滴了一滴,慢慢,水滴得越来越快 。下雨了!我赶紧跑离了山脚,向小村跑去 。
穿过一片小树林,哦,就是这里,这座土地庙!再看看,是那家过去曾经游玩过的熟悉的小客店,它还在这儿!道路一转,哦,我兴奋地跑过去,熟悉的小桥和小溪流突然出现在了我的眼前,一切都是那么熟悉,一切都和原来一样 。
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