保护环境作文格式怎么样?( 七 )

“保护环境 , 人人有责” , 为了我们的美丽家园——地球的将来 , 我们应该做到以下几点:1、少用含磷洗衣粉 , 提倡多用肥皂 , 保护江河 。2、买东西自备购物袋 , 减少白色污染 。3、少用或不用一次性产品 。4、“噪音”是个无形的杀手 , 超过70分贝的声音 , 就是噪音 , 我们要少开音响 , 说话声音放轻 , 减少噪音污染 。
保护环境!地球只有一个 , 让我们携起手来 , 共同努力 , 保护人类赖以生存的自然环境!让地球更年轻!更洁净!更美丽!


To protect the environment
Recently, the smog in Beijing received widespread attention.Therefore, protecting the environment is to play a role in making our life better.
It’s our responsibility to love nature and protect the natural environment.And how to protect the good environment is the people common interest question.
First, we should improve the civilized performance and have the consciousne of protecting the environment at any time.Second, garbage can not be discarded, it is neceary for the reuse by kinds and the treatment of garbage.Third, protect the street or park greening, and do not destroy the flowers, gra and trees.Four, saving consciousne should be reflected in our life.When we left, closing the water and turning off the lights immediately.Usually, the temperature of the air conditioning can not be too high in winter and be too low in summer.Five, try to use le plastic bags.It is a good habit of carrying a cloth bag to the supermarket.Six, do not use disposable tableware as far as poible when we eating out.Using our own tableware is not only beneficial to health, but also to environmentally.Seven, if we need to go out, the first choice is taking the bus instead of driving the car.Sometimes, we can even choose to ride a bike.Eight, we can often take part in some volunteer activities to protect the environment, like clean up the street, planting trees, and promoting environmental protection knowledge.
In fact, there are many other measures can be used to protect the environment.But, anyway, the most important is the action.I believe that the environment protection is getting better and better.


今天 , 老师带我们来到学校里的那条小河边观看 。
走到那里 , 我看了一眼 , 就说:“呀 , 真脏!”河里躺满了塑料袋 , 有大的 , 有小的 , 有白的 , 有黑的 , 五颜六色的什么颜色的都有 。还有泡沫 , 矿泉水瓶子 , 可乐罐……我想如果到了夏天 , 这条河就会发出一阵阵恶臭 , 它还会产生许多蚊子苍蝇 。那我们以后怎么在这里生活和学习呢?