葫芦娃 说课稿如何写?( 九 )

正唱着《女人是老虎》下山,来到山门前 。you you you .demon .open the door quickly.open the door.i will forgive you if you sent my papa right now . 蛤蟆看到葫芦娃过来,赶忙过去报告
蝎子:yi .a baby ? you go to catch him here . 大娃:呸呸呸 。ugly monstor , give me my papa.and give me your life. 两者在相互的打斗中,这时候蛤蟆也出来一块帮忙,三者激战正酣 。蝎子从后边抱住了葫芦娃 。stst二娃出世
娃们:brother brother.please quickly to help our papa. 二娃: do not worry.let me see where is our papa and what are demons doing. 蛇妖水晶石刚巧与二娃对视 。so sharp this eyes. 《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》下山what a beautiful sight. 在山门前,蜈蚣出场 。
hey litlle baby.what a little baby. 二娃:
you,are you a demon?蛇:oh.goy.don’t say that ,i’m only a lady.ms蛇,you know ?二娃: lady?gaga,wow,no wonder,you look so fashion.fation, sexy and not like a human.蛇: okay,so clever a guy, ill,give you a present. do you want to take it?二娃:prenset?what?taka me see. (凤姐相片)oh,my eye,my eye.what’this?(throw it out ) 又传来左小祖咒的歌my eye,my ear,my lady gaga.(over)三娃出世,伸个懒腰
娃们:brother,brother!please quickly to help our papa三娃:don’t worry,don’t worry.(展示自己的肌肉中,揉了一团纸)okay,guys,let me help our papa . (太阳当空照,花儿对我笑)the sun is in the shy, the flower smile to me .the birds hello to me .the wind shake hands with me.so beautiful the sight,so genthe a poem呆 。demon ,sent my papa. 蛤蟆:hey, little guy.do you want to help you papa/?##so laugth for us.we know you are strenthfui.but can you break off this string?三娃: ,so easy. 蛤蟆:if you can make it, ###### tell my sir to sent you papa. 三娃自己缠起了自己
it’s so tough ,can you help me?蛤蟆: okay,okay .(缠的更紧)四娃五娃相继出世
四娃:don’t close near me .you are water .,i’ll steam you . 五娃:no ,brother.there is you don’t close near to me .you are fire,i’ll pour(浇灭) you. 。娃们:brothers ,brothers, you don’t fight with eatch other.please going to help our papaand first、second and third brother. 水娃:okey,okey.i’ll going to help our papa.don’t worry ,and you ,don’t bartk. 火娃:you ?say me ?what a joke thing.i’m fire.look me to fire that demons. 蛤蟆:you and you ,stop!what matter with you ?
七娃:brother,our papa and brothers are all catched by demons.what can we do ?六娃:don’t worry .i know .that demon has a 宝贝 that can see every thing.let me steal it. 七娃:how do you steal it.?六娃:that’s easy .you only talk with them.they can’t see me.i’ll going to their room and steal it.篇5:超级演说家130822演讲稿
本期选手及演讲稿:dj麦《人生一定要学会自嗨》、黄小胖《把弟达人》、邱礼飞《感恩父母》、大王《琼瑶梦》、杨心龙《为了心中的号召》和李程远《陪伴》 。