初中生优秀英语读后感如何写?( 二 )

这种深厚的祖国之爱伴着父爱而来 。这位严肃的父亲 , 从来就没有推卸自己的责任 , 即使在上海被日本包围成孤岛时 , 他就把孩子关在家中 , 而且很早发现在他幼小的身心中 , 有培养成为音乐工作者的素质 , 正如他对自己对人对工作对生活各方面都要求严肃认真 , 一丝不苟的精神一样 , 对待幼小的孩子 , 他亲自编写教材 , 给孩子制定日课 , 一一以身作则 , 亲自督促 , 严格执行 , 他规定孩子怎样说话 , 怎样行动 , 做什么 , 吃什么 , 不能有所逾越 。他做到的 , 也一同要求儿子做到 。实乃真父子 。我为人间的这一遭父子情惊叹 , 对 , 是朋友 , 是同志 。
“我高兴的是我又多了一个朋友 , 儿子变成朋友 , 世界上有什么事可以和这种幸福相长的 。”而且 , 傅雷谦虚诚恳地说:“我与儿子的相处中 , 学会了忍耐 , 学到了说话的技巧 , 学到了把感情升华 。教会我们如何和孩子相处 , 以怎样的一种姿态交往 。”孩子经受痛苦时 , 他说:“心酸的眼泪是培养你心灵的酒浆 , 不经历尖锐的痛苦的人 , 不会有深厚博大的同情心” 。他不为孩子包办 , 而为孩子这种蜕变的过程而高兴 , 并鼓励他艺术要有更诚挚的心 , “得失成败尽置之度外 , 只求竭尽所能 , 无愧于心” 。
静静地合上《傅雷家书》 , 心中充满了遗憾和幸运 。很遗憾的是 , 我不想傅聪和傅敏那样拥有睿智、博学和正直的父亲 。但很幸运的是 , 我认真读完了《傅雷家书》这本书 , 他就像一个父亲那样 , 引领着我如何去做人、如何去做事 。
(指导教师: 张攀)


I have read some parts of this nover when I was about thirteen years old,but the book was really too thick for me to read over patiently.It’s a pity that I haven’t finished it till now.But fortunately, I have watched the movie “Pride and Predudice”directed by an American film studio several months ago.The simple but pure plot,the wonderful song,the classical custume, the luxury ball,the scene full of amorous feelings from the British country,the beatiful and stubborn actress,all of these moved me deeply.
Mr. Darcy,the actor of the nover,a nobleman from the uper-classes in England,because of this , he has an inborn superiority that he looks down at every person from the lower-classes . He don’t like neither their life style nor their way to think.Elizabeth,the actress of the nover,an obstinate,wise young girl from the lower-classes of the country.She dosen’t like anyone who is constumelious,she hates the spurs from the pride men. By these, you know,there’er lots of conflicts between them,but at last,Darcy and Elizabeth,the two different even opposite youngsters fall love .That’s very incredible.