《圣诞颂歌》英语读后感如何写?( 三 )

Back home after Scrooge soon to see the second ghost, that is his now.Now the soul of humor make him the perspective of looking down from heaven, the whole world, let him take a look at the human good and evil, joy and bitterne, and took him to a strange house staff Klein, when he saw because of his harsh Clay strange result because of the family money, only when Christmas Eve to eat roast duck; when he saw the result because of his bitter sweet little Raimi can not heal when the lame; Christmas dinner table when he heard strange Klein thanks to him, his cold heart finally has a trace of warmth, he was ashamed, and regretted that he knew, that he\\'s cold and mean to others has brought so much harm, and later the scene of his nephew home also let him know he\\'s mean to bring the majority of people only hate and ridicule, and only his dear nephew and loyal staff has done on his choice to forgive, in this between love and hate, he began gradually understand the meaning of life.Then the soul is now brought him to the end of life by the ghost of the future take him to his death in the world, no compaion, no one is sad, there are only cursing and ridicule, he was more painful to look after Because of his own sarcastic to volunteer Klein led the children unfortunately dead strange ending, finally, the ghost of the future brought him before a grave, to see the name and the date on the gravestone, he finally know that the Christmas dead man is his own, face the harsh reality, he finally began to truly reflect on his living from the heart, because the money he had lost too much, mied too much, hurt too much, in the face of death , he finally understood how my life should\\'ve been, he regretted and struggled, and vowed from the past, present and future all in the leons learned and re-change yourself.This time, Scrooge has really changed in the future ghosts and he opened a small joke, threw his "death" of the coffin.When Scrooge awoke, they were pleasantly surprised to find himself still alive, glad to have hand, foot and dance together, with the most enthusiasm to meet the new day, he no longer mean the money, buy a turkey and generous people peculiar to the Clay family, hugging his servants, to ask forgivene to the philanthropist and donated money to his nephew to spend a beautiful Christmas at home, to pay staff and to help take care of Raimi.Plot and the film series here at the beginning of the harsh bitter Scrooge in sharp contrast, in this sense, Scrooge is indeed dead, dead is the soul of the mean, and now he is new, generous, kind-hearted Scrooge, he began his new life, and all this, just his attitude changed it.
Videos in this with love and peace in a perfect ending, I was deeply moved.Throughout the whole film, they must expre and show, and what we need in life and experience to face many problems, and our right attitude towards life.From an objective point of view, we are all stingy Scrooge that, stubbornly cling to something, perhaps the money, it may be power, status, fame … … to protect those who do not represent their own things, too many people Select a cold, closed, treachery, hatred, they closed the door to communication with the outside world really, and then, some people choose to completely self-closing, while others choose to false face to face the world.Thus, the world started to become dirty, or more precisely in the eyes of those who get dirty, because in their world, long lost love.This is our sorrow, we foolishly thought was to get them happy, but the fact is we are wrong, we take advantage of these things, we lost more, and those who are lost, it is precisely The most important thing in life.As the eyes of Scrooge\\'s past, he was also a young man full of love and kindne, he has a warm family, beloved wife, good friends, kind of the bo, in his first few decades of life, Every Christmas, he flies makes sense, since that time, he also innocence.Coming back to our own, too, grew up with their own, began to study, work, life has been the preure, we have gradually lost their innocence, lo of the kind of carefree, reckle life, right , growing up is not so self-willed, is to shoulder their responsibilities, but we can not lose people because of the nature of growing up in that warm things for their love, care for others, social care, this world is built on personal basis, and to false face to the world, the world is false; to love the world face to face, the world is full of love.From Christmas Eve to Christmas, Scrooge in their past experience, present and future, his eyes the whole world has changed, the original boring, cruel world becomes filled with love and joy, but in fact the world and not changed, only change Scrooge himself.